美国旧金山歌剧院英文原版歌剧《红楼梦》将于9月8日和9日率先亮相北京保利剧院,为中国的观众带来具有“世界级,中国味”的国际顶尖视听盛宴. 北京首演后,还将在长沙梅溪湖国际文化艺术中心大剧院和武汉琴台大剧院演出. 据了解,歌剧《红楼梦》主创团队在听觉、视觉、剧情、人物等方面精雕细琢,最终选取贾宝玉与林黛玉、薛宝钗的爱情与婚姻为主线,折射出大观园乃至大清王朝的兴衰. 这是《红楼梦》首次以英文版歌剧形式展现在西方舞台. ……
. He is very busy. He flies around the world for movie events and musictours(巡演 ……
泰勒2011开启世界巡演。AMERICAN singer Taylor Swift is busy. The 20-year-old will start her Speak Now World Tour 2011. The world tour promotes (宣传) her new album, Speak Now. Swift will hold 87 concerts in 19 ……
global tour (全球巡演) Re: Minho will come to Beijing on Oct 4. Will you get a ticket? ……
贾斯汀·比伯暂别乐坛。You won’t see Justin Bieber for a while. The 25-year-old Canadian singer will take a break from music. Bieber toured (巡演) hard during his teenage years, as well as his early 20s. Now, he ……
on tour (巡演) throughout Asia, North America and Europe soon. TEENS ……
“拼命三郎”薛之谦开启全球巡演。Great news for Xue Zhiqian’s fans. The 33-year-old Chinese singer is going to have a world tour. The first stop will be in Dalian, Liaoning, on April 22. Tickets went on sale ……
英国TNT剧团英文话剧中国巡演展开英国著名TNT剧院将于10月20日在天津上演原版莎士比亚经典话剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,就此拉开该剧团2009中国秋季巡演之旅。创立于1980年的TNT剧院,是英国最成功的巡演剧团之一,在英国本土声名显赫,也是全球巡演国家和场次最多的英语剧团,曾获得多项国际大奖。2006年起,TNT剧院开始在中国巡演,尤其注重深入高校,为大学生带来原版英语话剧,致力于实现“让原 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
Chan's graceKELLY Chan is a Hong Kong pop singer. She will kick off her concerttour(巡演) in the mainland in May. She'll be in many big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. Chan will bring her luxurious ……
陆天津滨湖剧院,使天津又一次成为TNT剧院此轮中国巡演的首站。今年是TNT版《麦克白》首演的第十年,长年策划制作TNT剧院中国巡演的北京云汉文化交流有限公司特意选择了这部作品来作为“TNT莎翁经典中国行”的春季巡演剧目,而这已经是英国TNT剧院在中国上演的第八部作品。据云汉文化透露,英国TNT剧院《麦克白》一行将在中国展开为期43天的巡演,于4月26日返回英国。 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
status by her 30th birthday. Lucrative意为“赚钱的”。2015年斯威夫特巡演、代言忙不停,日赚六百万人民币,最吸金歌手非她莫属。 ……
爱莉安娜·格兰德中国巡演。US singer Ariana Grande, 24, is bringing her world tour to China for the first time. She held a concert in Beijing on Aug 26 and will perform again in Guangzhou on Aug 30. Though her ……
Ke$ha’s China trip凯莎全面开启中国首次巡演。Guess what? Ke$ha is going to tour (巡演) in China. The 29-year-old US singer became famous for her popular song Tik Tok in 2009. She has been quiet in music for about ……
and performances during self-isolation (自我隔离) at home. This also means touring (巡演) for the new album won&rsquo... means touring (巡演) for the new album won’t start until 2022. ……
on sb意思是“对……造成伤害”。加拿大歌手贾斯汀·比伯因健康问题,取消他剩余的Justice巡演。Take its toll on sb意思是“对……造成伤害”。加拿大歌手贾斯汀·比伯因健康问题,取消他剩余的Justice巡演。 ……