Hi, I'm from the USA. Rabbits have long ears. But my ears are the longest of all. It's 79 centimeters from the tip (尖 ) of my left ear to the tip of my right ear. ……
closed, their teeth couldn’t be seen. When they opened their mouths, only the tip (尖) of their teeth..., their teeth couldn’t be seen. When they opened their mouths, only the tip (尖) of their teeth could be seen. ……
become artworks. The artist makes very small sculptures (雕塑) on the tips (尖) of some colored...) on the tips (尖) of some colored pencils. His works include a rabbit, a love heart and a lock. ……
meters high. Maple leaves have sharppoints(尖) and they turn red in late autumn. Many maples grow ……
at the foot of the tower and looking up, it seems like the tip (尖) of the tower almost touches... of the tower and looking up, it seems like the tip (尖) of the tower almost touches the clouds ……
(T. rex) from movies such as Jurassic Park (《侏罗纪公园》) – they have big, sharp (尖) teeth jutting... rex (T. rex) from movies such as Jurassic Park (《侏罗纪公园》) – they have big, sharp (尖) teeth ……
上海上外翻译总公司是隶属于上海外国语大学的一家校办企业。1992年8月,公司由上海外国语大学全额投资创办,系全民所有制企业,具有独立法人地位。上海外国语大学作为国家教育部211工程重点大学,拥有丰富的外语教育资源和大批“高、精、尖”复合型外语人才。公司依托上外的品牌、人才优势,组建了由上海外国语大学联合国译员、翻译专家、教授和研究生为主组成的具有雄厚专业实力的翻译队伍,为社会各界提供多达近30 ……
了“‘全、优、尖’素质发展目标管理体系”,强化学生的主体意识,促成学生的“全面发展,充分发展,突出发展”。在课程结构改革方面,形成了以学科课程、活动课程、隐性课程为内容,以必修、选修、自修 ……
了时间,造成该夯实的基础知识得不到夯实,影响了成绩的有效提高;有些学校在培优扶差、分层教学方面措施不得力,影响了不同层次学生的发展,也造成学生该拔尖的“尖”不了。其次,不少学校对英语口语鼓励不足,甚至 ……