schoolbag. Or you can make your own, like a woolen pink pig.Bonus points bloom v. 开花charm n. 小饰物plastic n. 塑料 Bonus pointsBonus pointsBonus pointsbloom v. 开花charm n. 小饰物plastic ……
of the Romanian people, ladies receive “martisoare” – trinkets (小饰物) symbolizing the arrival of spring – and wear.... In the tradition of the Romanian people, ladies receive “martisoare” – trinkets (小饰物) symbolizing the arrival ……
积极的心理暗示也许会祝你一臂之力哦。词数 232 建议阅读时间 3分钟HERE’s maybe some good news for people who attach charms (可爱小饰物) to their phones or wear lucky socks on exam days: A belief in good fortune might just give us ……
community. In the tradition of the Romanian people, ladies receive “martisoare” – trinkets (小饰物...” – trinkets (小饰物) symbolizing the arrival of spring – and wear them during the spring time ……
moved towards the mantelpiece, playing with the bauble as she spoke.那个女孩走近壁炉,拿起她刚讲到的那件小玩意把玩着。trinket小件饰物,小玩意It is a handsome but useless trinket.这是一件漂亮却无用处的小饰物。 ……
but we do miss each other. I will buy her some of her favouriteaccessories(小饰物) as gifts when her ……
《杜马岛》全书共502页,厚度让人心悸。虽然厚,但读来却轻松。我从晚上9点开始,一口气读到凌晨1点,居然浑然不觉地看完了。然后点亮了所有的灯,把桌子上的各种零碎小饰物全部锁起来(看完这本书你就知道我这样做的原因了),勇敢地闭上眼睛开始睡觉。斯蒂芬金的恐怖小说有一大特点:用普通生活中的寻常物件作为道具,成功地激发读者内心深处的恐惧之情。这种恐惧的力量摧枯拉朽,他不用设置怪物,也不用离奇的情节,只是 ……