detection (发现) of water vapor (水蒸气) in the solar system’s main asteroid belt (小行星带), said Science...’s main asteroid belt (小行星带), said Science Alert. The water vapor was spotted by the James Webb ……
planets are separated from the outer planets by the Asteroid Belt (小行星带)....太阳系五大行星"百年约会",上演一场不容错过的天文奇观。THE five planets visible to the naked eye — Mercury, Venus, Mars ……
in spaceMission: STS-7June 18, 1983---------------------------------------asteroid belt 小行星带inhabited 有人 ……
些在科幻小说中被描写过的信息时代一样,太空航行也变得平淡无奇了,那时的火星和小行星带都是乏味的地方,有无数人在那里谋生;木星和它众多的卫星已成为旅游胜地,阻止人们去那里的唯一障碍就是昂贵的价格。但即使在这个时候,宇宙 ……