断地反思自己的教育教学理念和教育教学行为,不停歇地研究与创新自己的教育教学方式,大方向正确地导航自己的教育教学和学生学习的方向!《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)根据高中学生认知能力发展的特点和学业发展的需求,高中 ……
MSE证书风头渐劲剑桥英语五级证书考试(剑桥大学考试委员会称之为主体系列考试,Main. Suite. Examinations-MSE)11月底即将开考,全国14个省、自治区、直辖市的15个城市共设立19个考点. 目前英国剑桥大学考试委员会在全世界135个国家设有考点,每年参加MSE考试人数达30多万. ……
摘自: 职业导航[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
数字导航助你定位公厕数字导航助你定位公厕E-maps make it easier than ever to search for public toilets in China’s big cities. PAGE 2E-maps make it easier than ever to search for public ……
我国首个自主研发的北斗导航系统正式提供服务。词数 150 建议阅读时间 4分钟MOST cars have a GPS to help drivers know where... are three major global navigation systems (全球导航系统). Now our country has its own. China’s homegrown ……
卫星导航系统navigation satellite systemThe primary system of BeiDou-3, the latest generation... better capabilities (能力) and services.Navigation的动词形式是navigate,表示“导航,指引方向”,比如navigate by stars (靠星 ……
China 卫星导航系统satellite navigation systemChina’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has.... Navigation的动词形式是navigate,表示“导航,指引方向”,比如navigate by stars (靠星辰确定方向)。Worldbulletproof backpacks防弹书包Many ……
are tasked with measuring the mountain. They used a global navigation (导航) satellite system receiver... the mountain. They used a global navigation (导航) satellite system receiver, a gravimeter (重力 ……
for China. On that day, China’s first global navigation satellite system (全球卫星导航系统), Beidou... navigation satellite system (全球卫星导航系统), Beidou, started its full-scale (全面的) work.Beidou means “Big ……
AI背包助力视障人士导航。AI背包助力视障人士导航。US researchers have developed an AI system to help visually impaired people navigate. The system, which is housed in a backpack, detects traffic signs, crosswalks, curbs (马路 ……
盲人出行利器:智能导航鞋。盲人出行利器:智能导航鞋。These shoes can “see” things in front of its wearer. Tec-InnovationThese shoes can “see” things in front of its wearer. Tec-InnovationBlind people ……
智能手杖为盲人导航。智能手杖为盲人导航。Smart cars, smart phones ... things are becoming smart, including canes (拐杖). Researchers at Stanford University in the US have developed a smart cane that guides the blind ……
(导航) than those who grew up in cities.The research suggests that growing up in unorganized (无条... at navigation (导航) than those who grew up in cities.The research suggests that growing up ……
tall. It can detect obstacles (发现障碍) and navigate (导航) through a maze (迷宫). Using a controller, it can ……
Richard Meredith-Hardy. He also used talking navigational (导航的) computers to help steer his course. ……
by the Dutch company TomTom, a leading manufacturer of navigation (导航) systems in Europe.It compared travel ……