Some people are very careful about everything they do. On the other hand, some people are risk-takers (冒险者) – they do things without thinking too much about the results. Teenagers are more likely (可能的) to take more risks than others. ……
在城市中,公交车是最普通、最常见的交通工具. 然而对上海市民而言,公交车已不仅仅是代步工具,如今,它被人们亲切地称作“移动的英语课堂”. ……
A: You ran all the way around the park?B: No problem! It was easy as pie.As) easy as pie: 太容易了。 ……
A: Can you run all the way around the park?B: No problem! It's as easy as pie.As easy as pie: 太容易了! ……
be led astray引入歧途Young people can be easily led astray by unhealthy content from the Internet.年轻人很容易被网上的不良内容引入歧途。 ……
be prone to容易做或者倾向于做某事It seems that kids are prone to eat junk food.看起来孩子们更倾向于去吃垃圾食品。 ……
“小菜一碟。” 英语怎么说?A piece of cake.例句: English grammar is so easy – it’s a piece of cake! 英语语法太容易了,简直就是小菜一碟! ……
spill over溢出,超出Job stress can easily spill over into personal and family life.工作压力很容易就渗透进个人及家庭生活中。 ……
什么事最容易引起我们的好奇心?All humans are naturally curious. We like to explore new things and learn about new topics. But what kind of things make us curious? Scientists may have found the answer. ……
说起easy这个词,同学们一定会说:太太太“容易”!但你们是否知道它在口语中与其他词语连用时还有更多有意思的含义呢?想必大家都喜欢吃apple pie吧, 那么象吃馅饼一样容易“as easy as pie”是什么意思?当然是“非常容易”了!例如:I find maths as easy as pie. (我发现数学非常容易。)你们可知道“容易得到的东西也容易失去”这个道理?那么 ……
and vision problems. “求救信号”也可说distress signal。 国际上常用的“求救信号”是SOS,它并非任何单字的缩写,只是因为其莫尔斯电码“...---...” 在电报中是发报方最容易发出,接报方最容易辨识的电码。 ……
盲文积木让玩乐更容易盲文积木让玩乐更容易Look at these Lego bricks. Each brick has a different number of studs (小凸点). They are for blind children. So, they can pick the right brick and build what they want ……
沮丧的孩子容易发胖DEPRESSED (沮丧的) teens are more likely to get fat, according to a US study published last Tuesday.The findings are based on more than 9,000 teenagers (青少年) and children questioned in 1995 ……
Jacky wants to fly a kite this weekend1. He is going to make a butterfly kite first. He asks Ella for help. Ella has a light hand!风筝看起来简单,做起来可不容易哦!所以Jacky要请手巧的Ella来帮忙一起做。“light hand”在这里是“巧手”的意思。Do ……
Davis: Newcomer Bruce likes to read books.Tony: You’re right. He’s a real bookworm.顾名思义bookworm是“书虫”,“书呆子”的意思。bookworm是个复合词,由book和worm组成,看到它很容易联想到“书虫”啦! ……