LU Jiang was put on trial (审讯) for the robbery (抢劫) of 20 yuan and sentenced (判刑) to three years in prison (监狱). But the trial wasn't real. It was a mock (模拟的) trial held at Nanning No 3 Middle ……
. The policemen showed them the interrogation room (审讯室), handcuffs (手铐) and other things in the station ……
, was recently tried (审讯) for stealing once again. The man, called Heriberto Rodriquez, was working... as many as four pancakes at a time. However, the judge at his trial (审讯) released (释放) Mr Pancake ……
). The US wanted to take her to the US for trial (审讯).Meng pleaded not guilty (不认罪) to the charge... (审讯).Meng pleaded not guilty (不认罪) to the charge and finally was free to leave Canada on Sept 24 ……
meaning to examine a case (a person) before a judge in a court and make a decision on it (审讯,审判 ……
."-----------------------------------------------curry: 咖喱 hearing: 审讯tattoo: 文身 ……
用法:issue sth (to sb)issue orders; issue instructionstryvt. 审讯;审判;审问用法:try sb (for sth)名词:trialHe ……
with fraud (欺诈). The US wanted to take her to the US for trial (审讯). Meng pleaded not guilty (不认... to the US for trial (审讯). Meng pleaded not guilty (不认罪) to the charge and finally was free to leave ……
) omnifold (无处不在),His observation (观察) omnifold (无处不在),His inquest (审讯) everywhere.His inquest (审讯 ……
an interrogator (审讯官) in the army. Scary.However, there are thousands of “regular” students too ……
官) and is a trained military interrogator (审讯员). But don’t get me wrong. There are thousands ……
) in words used by Smith’s inquisitor (审讯者), who tells him: “If you want a vision (愿景) of the future ……
斯和凯蒂·霍姆斯女儿的 的假定绰号)Most euphemisticWaterboarding (模拟溺水): It's a method for interrogating (审讯) prisoners (e ……
Department made public some detailed documents describing interrogation (审讯) techniques used by the CIA ……
兰法律所禁止的”,如haram foods指“非清真食品”。waterboarding水刑 一种审讯方式,将受审者的口鼻浸入水中,让其产生即将溺水身亡的感觉。新词 释义 背景新词新词释义释义背景背景vlog 视频...的来自于阿拉伯语,表示“伊斯兰法律所禁止的”,如haram foods指“非清真食品”。来自于阿拉伯语,表示“伊斯兰法律所禁止的”,如haram foods指“非清真食品”。waterboarding水刑 一种审讯 ……