高考词汇 present vt. 呈现,提交,赠与The scientist presented his report to the committee.practical adj. 实用的,实际的He gave me some practical advice on finding a job. ……
核心词汇basic adj. 基本的,初级的My knowledge of physics is pretty basic.embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人为难的There was an embarrassing silence at the beginning.make sense是合理的、实际的或明智的It makes sense to find out first ……
同、互相、在…之间The other children were interacting while he played alone.impractical adj. 不切实际的 词缀: im-表示不、非 ……
(负责的) person and study well. But you are less good at dealing with practical (实际的), everyday matters ……
are a responsible (负责的) person and study well. But you are less good at dealing with practical (实际的 ……
adj. 实际的 Words and expressionsWords and expressionsWords and expressionstake up 承担,拿起,开始从事convince v. 使确信,使信服catch up in 陷入down-to-earth adj. 实际的take up 承担,拿起,开始从事take up 承担 ……
important and want to learn as much as possible.C: You are practical (实际的) rather than scholarly, but also ……
and burn off a lot of energy.B. You’re a practical (实际的) person and will choose a secure (安稳的) job ……
动力practical adj. 实际的sort v. 分类 ……
德这句话首次出现于1546年。它告诉我们设立目标不是一蹴而就的事情,不必操之过急。随着环境的变迁,你可以改变其中一些计划,甚至放弃一些不切实际的目标,全由你灵活掌握。但最重要的是,千万不要半途而废。 ……
adj. 不切实际的withdraw v. 撤出military n. 军队HELPHELPHELPgoal n. 目的hostile adj. 敌对的arms race: 军备竞赛unrealistic adj. 不切实际的withdraw v. 撤出military n. 军队goal n. 目的hostile adj. 敌对的arms race: 军备竞赛unrealistic adj ……
.detailed adj. 详细的,细节的They provided a very detailed analysis of the case.practical adv.实际的,现实 ……
的;实际的I'm not joking. Those were his actual words.活学活用Cars would be able to drive ……
can do is face it bravely. The best way to reduce stress is to set practical (实际的) goals ……
adj. 脚踏实地的,谦虚的,实际的。阿黛尔的成功源自于她对音乐脚踏实地的态度,她独具特色的嗓音打动了数百万乐迷的耳朵。 ……