国内数码科技应用专业厂商DEC中恒新一代数码多媒体学习机“易考王”,通过当代脑科学与数码技术、艾宾浩斯记忆曲线与黄金序列、教材同步能力训练“三大完美组合”,模拟人脑吸收知识的过程,为学习者量身定制了独一无二的最优个性化英语学习课程,从根本上改变了传统的学习方式,使外语听说读写能力在短时间内得到革命性的飞跃。“易考王”英语学习方案的核心在于一套独有的高度智能化记忆专家系统,能够 ……
to the beach not only in summer, but also in winter. 2 释义:宫殿很漂亮但是并不完美,因为住在里面的人都是凡人。用法:作为连词,since 可引导原因状语从句,表示 ……
钱塘江畔,三秋桂子,十里荷花. 在杭州国际博览中心,54位元气满满的小选手,站在“第三届中国日报社‘21世纪杯’少儿英语大会”总决选的舞台上熠熠生辉. 历时7个月,历经20个选区的层层选拔和激烈角逐,这群4至8岁的英语小达人们一路过五关斩六将,从全国20余万名选手中脱颖而出,登上总决选的荣耀舞台. 机器人、圣诞老人、小飞象、红鼻子、小猴子轮番上阵,这群怀揣着梦想的孩子凭借惟妙惟肖、生动有趣的表演,在现场打造了一场英语嘉年华. ……
从“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”的明媚春景,到“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”的经世箴言,再到“自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝”的爽朗明快,中华诗词的独特风韵和内涵在“致经典”少年们的精彩表演中展现得淋漓尽致. 以诗会友,诵诗传情. 少年们用绘声绘色的朗诵与古代的伟大诗人隔空对话,让中华诗词在中英双语的诠释中迸发新的活力与生机. 近日,2019“致经典”双语诵读会全国总决选(以下简称“致经典”大会)在北京电视台圆满收官. ……
让这些玩具、书籍与歌曲陪你度过一个完美冬天吧!Toys ……
让这些玩具、书籍与歌曲陪你度过一个完美冬天吧!Songs ……
让这些玩具、书籍与歌曲陪你度过一个完美冬天吧!Books ……
perfectionism 完美主义Sometimes perfectionism leads to distress and avoidable panic.有时候完美主义会带来焦虑和本来可以避免的慌张。last out 痛击The media lashed out at the soccer team’s disappointing performance.媒体开始痛批这个足球队令人失望的表现。 ……
野营必备的完美帐篷Spring is the time for camping. Wait. Do you have an ideal (完美的) tent? It should be light and easy to set up. TentTube is a good one. It is from Hong Kong. It doesn’t have any steel poles ……
真是一个完美的相框呀!真是一个完美的相框呀!In Antarctica (南极), two people are taking part in a whale-watching trip. Suddenly, a whale comes out of the water. Its tail looks just like a perfect photo frame (相框 ……
Chatter box Peaches and creamI learned that you and Alice had a big fight this summer.Yes, we quarreled. But we’ve made up and now everything is peaches and cream again.peaches and cream:完美无缺,和好如初 ……
完美镜面蛋糕Is it a ring? Is it glass? No, it’s a cake! A baker (蛋糕师) from Russia(俄罗斯)made it. But she never tells people how to make a cake like that. Maybe we have to go to Russia and find out. ……
我很小,但是我很完美我很小,但是我很完美This mouse (鼠标) is the smallest in the world. When you hold it, it’s like holding a pencil. Your arm and shoulder can relax. It doesn’t have a cable (电线 ……
Channing (1780-1842, US writer and preacher) 着眼于完美,这会促使你全力以赴。——威廉·埃勒里·钱宁Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist)乐于工作,才有完美 ……
."What a good son完美的儿子A: I have theperfect(完美的) son.B: Does he smoke?A: No, he doesn't.B: Does he ……