bra-burner通常对女权主义者的一种贬称Bra-burning was inaccurately associated with feminism after two protesters threw their bra in a bin. 由于历史上有两位抗议者曾激愤地把文胸扔进垃圾堆,Bra-burning就一直不准确地和女权主义联系在一起。defy 不服从,公然挑战He openly ……
."---------------------------------------taboo 禁忌feminist 女权主义者homosexual 同性恋 ……
counterparts (对应的人).The reason behind this phenomenon may be related to what Canadian feminist (女权主义者 ……
词有genuine和acknowledged。艾玛•沃森从不掩饰自己是女权主义者。这次作为联合国妇女署亲善大使发言,再次为推动性别平等努力。 ……
的法国妻子安娜在大众眼里一直是贤妻良母形象,不过最新采访中她的言论激怒了不少女权主义者,认为她言谈中贬低了女性。 ……
的法国妻子安娜在大众眼里一直是贤妻良母形象,不过最新采访中她的言论激怒了不少女权主义者,认为她言谈中贬低了女性。 ……
of Disney’s more overtly (明显地) ‘feminist (女权主义者)’ superhero and princess movies... (女权主义者)’ superhero and princess movies.”In an interview with SYFY WIRE, Raya&rsquo ……
the word "girl" was being rejected by feminists (女权主义者) because it implied "immaturity". They prefer "woman ……
to a feminist (女权主义者) in class, or shared a dorm room with a gay (男同性恋) person, or took part in a group project ……
: their only option is “monsieur”, whether they are married or not.Feminist (女权主义者) groups have been ……
as a feminist (女权主义者).In July, after graduation from Brown University in the US, the British actress ……
The reason why I don’t like to say that I am a feminist (女权主义者) or I am not a feminist is because... actress小编点评:近年来,女性主义在流行文化中到处蔓延。好莱坞女星中也有很多被贴上了“feminist”的标签 (label),比如Emma Watson和Jennifer Lawrence。经常 ……
freedom. It’s about liberation (解放). It’s about equality,” she said. Feminism意思为“女权主义”。英国女星艾玛·沃森因其刊登在《名利场》的一张仅穿针织披肩的性感照受到指责,一些人表示,这些性感照片与她一直以来以女权主义者自居的形象不符。而沃森认为女权主义更多关乎选择、自由、平等而非穿着。 ……
(女权主义者) is about fighting so that a woman is treated like a man, then yes, I suppose I am.”“He has ……
her music that makes Lipa stand out. As an artist, Lipa is also an outspoken feminist (女权主义者). She has... feminist (女权主义者). She has promised to use her music to inspire (激励) her female fans and support ……