会拍照的猩猩NONJA is a 33-year-old orangutan (猩猩). She lives at an Austrian (奥地利的) zoo. She's great at taking pictures. Her photos have won her over 14,000 fans. ……
惊心动魄的高空跳伞。Paul Steiner is climbing out of the plane. He is moving along the wing and flipping (翻转) to the wing of another plane. Paul is an Austrian (奥地利的) skydiver. He puts on this dangerous show 2 ……
lion at a zoo in Vienna, Austria (奥地利的维也纳). ……
惊心动魄的高空跳伞特技。 LOOK! A man is climbing out of the plane. He is moving along the wing (机翼) and flipping (翻转) to the wing of another plane. This is Paul Steiner, an Austrian (奥地利的) skydiver (高空 ……
看看我的口罩,心情有没有变好?看看我的口罩,心情有没有变好?Wear this mask and you can become Mickey Mouse. An Austrian (奥地利的... a little relaxed. Wear this mask and you can become Mickey Mouse. An Austrian (奥地利的) artist ……
有轮子的木房子What a cool wood house on wheels (轮子)! Austrian (奥地利的) engineers made this small house. It is good to our environment (环境). Engineers used wood, soil and leaves to build the house. It looks ……
Austrian (奥地利的) artist made it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The artist made a mask every day... (奥地利的) artist made it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The artist made a mask every day to cheer ……
children from another dressing room. One of them was an Austrian (奥地利的) boy. He has golden hair ……
Austrian (奥地利的) girl.In 1897, a German car company called Daimler started to sell its cars in Austria. One...世界知名的 "奔驰"汽车跟一个生活在19世纪末的奥地利小女孩有什么关系呢?Mercedes Benz is from a girl's nameYOU might know ……
俱进的教学法、因地适宜的教材引进、不断改善的教师教育为英语教育发展创造了良好条件。奥地利英语教育的成功既离不开地理位置带来的文化交流影响,也归因于奥地利政府与各级学校积极开展改革。英语教育在奥地利的...英语教育的成功既离不开地理位置带来的文化交流影响,也归因于奥地利政府与各级学校积极开展改革。英语教育在奥地利的成功,为该国的全球化发展夯实了人才基础。奥地利位于欧洲中部,地处欧洲三大族(日耳曼、斯拉 ……
一个关于模拟联合国的介绍。发言者是奥地利的Otto Ernest Gutmann,题目就是Model United Nations: Understanding the international dimension in teaching。Otto介绍说,奥地利的许多老师都不知道模联,上世纪90年代他在美国学习时接触到这一活动,然后回国开展。现在奥地利有一个面向全体学生的模联活动,明年 ……
正坚持下来的屈指可数,鲍春来便是其中之一。鲍春来一向都对英语学习抱有极大的兴趣,自学《走遍美国》已近两年。奥运乒乓球女单冠军张怡宁也深谙学好外语的重要性,业余时间不仅自学英语,还开始挑战德语。她的德国、奥地利的 ……
。⑤ where引导定语从句,修饰先行词process。释义:中微子这一概念是奥地利的沃尔夫冈·泡利(Wolfgang Pauli)在20世纪30年代首次提出的,用以解释放射性衰变中发生的一种令人困惑的现象。放射性衰变是原子失去能量并释放出更小粒子的过程。释义:中微子这一概念是奥地利的沃尔夫冈·泡利(Wolfgang Pauli)在20世纪30年代首次提出的,用以解释放射性衰变中发生的一种令人困惑的现象。放射性衰变是原子失去能量并释放出更小粒子的过程。 ……
解释说明这个概念;⑤ where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a process。⑤ where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a process。释义:中微子这一概念是奥地利的沃尔夫冈·保利(Wolfgang Pauli)在20世纪30年代首次提出的,用以解释放射性衰变中发生的一种令人困惑的现象。放射性衰变是原子失去能量并释放出更小粒子的过程。释义:中微子这一概念是奥地利的沃尔夫冈·保利(Wolfgang ……
and physical.He is Sigmund Freud, a controversial Austrian (奥地利的) doctor and the founder ……