The middle fingernail (指甲) grows quicker than all the other nails. and the thumbnail (大拇指指甲) grows the slowest (最慢地). ……
大拇指去哪啦?Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin?Here I am. Here I am.How are you today sir?Very well, thank you!Run away. Run away. ……
Jack: What are you doing?Lewis: I’m hanging the picture on the wall.Jack: Let me help you. You’re all thumbs.“all thumbs”的字面意思是“全是大拇指”。如果一个人的十个手指全是大拇指,那一定是很笨,很不灵活了,所以“all thumbs”是形容那些手脚很笨的人。 ……
不用动大拇指就能玩的游戏。ARE you busy preparing for final exams? We need to relax sometimes. Here is an interesting activity to help you laugh and relax: Try to get by without your thumbs (大拇指)! Write the tasks ……
to talk to your friend!The soup isn’t hotCustomer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb (大拇指) in my soup when ……
.Then hold the spoon with both your hands. (这时要迅速地把硬币转移到右手的大拇指和食指中间。)让勺子把在手掌中慢慢滑落。但是硬币始终在你大拇指和食指间。这样 ……
rule of thumb“拇指规则”,是指“根据经验得出的结论或做事方法”,但并非放之四海皆准。关于这个短语的起源有两种说法。一是旧时人们习惯用大拇指的最后一个关节到指甲之间的这一段作为天然的测量工具,因为成年男子这一段的平均长度是一英寸。 另一种说法是有经验的酿酒师习惯于用大拇指伸进酿酒池中测量发酵过程的温?度,来了解酿造的进展情况。 ……
) into the loop. (注意:左大拇指和食指的开合要迅速,这样才不至于使绳子滑落。)The secret:绳子不是从小圈中穿过,而是迅速从左大拇指和食指的微张口穿过。 ……
that thumbs (大拇指) have taken over as the most useful digit (手指) for people under the age of 25 ……
不用动大拇指就能玩的游戏。THE Junior 3 year is not all about study. We need to relax sometimes. Here is an interesting activity to help you laugh and rest: Try to get by without your thumbs! Write the tasks below ……
竖起大拇指就能回答问题。WHEN you want to ask the teacher a question in class, you will put your hand up. But at Burlington Junior School in the UK, students give a thumbs-up (翘拇指) if they have a question ……
英国学校打破课堂规矩:竖大拇指回答问题。WHEN you want to ask the teacher a question in class, you will put your hand up. But at Burlington Junior School in the UK, students give a thumbs-up if they have a question ……
!” Word boxWord boxfinger 手指palm 手掌fist 拳头thumb up 竖起大拇指finger 手指finger 手指palm 手掌palm 手掌fist 拳头fist 拳头thumb up 竖起大拇指thumb up 竖起大拇指 ……
fingerlittle fingerthumb食指中指无名指小拇指大拇指 ……
(转动的眼睛)Brown marker (记号笔)How to do it:Press (按) your thumb (大拇指) or fingertip to the ink pad ……