特大号的太阳镜Who lost a pair of sunglasses? A dinosaur or a giant (巨人)? They may be the biggest sunglasses in the world. Marc Moser from Switzerland (瑞士) made it. He is an artist. The sea becomes pink ……
超大号蔬菜新鲜出炉啦!超大号蔬菜新鲜出炉啦! What a big vegetable! You can hardly see the man behind it. This is a leek (韭葱). It is the heaviest leek in the UK’s yearly autumn flower show.What a big vegetable ……
to stay calm all the timeable to tell stories and jokesYou must have:crazy wig (假发)oversized (超大号 ……
(假发) • Oversized boots (超大号的靴子)• A big red noseSOURCE: TNS ……
decision.2. 释义:但在同样的时间里,他的T恤衫号码却从小/中号,到中号,到大号再到超大号。这句话表明人们使用大词已经成为一种趋势。重点词:学习衣服号码表达法:S=small, M=medium ……
.It seems that he is happy about the new decision.释义:但在同一时期里,他的T恤衫号码却从小/中号变到中号、大号再到超大号。这句 ……
是“浮雕宝石”,此处意思是“明星的客串演出”。每一场演唱会后都能迅速占领娱乐版头条,这固然跟小天后泰勒·斯威夫特自身的强大号召力息息相关,不过超强嘉宾阵容就像王冠上的宝石锦上添花。Star ……
the new decision.释义:但在同样长的时间里,他的体恤衫号码却从小/中号,到中号,到大号再到超大号。这句话表明人们使用大词已经成为一种趋势。表达: 学习衣服号码表达法: S=small ……
欢那个办公室新来的女孩穿的毛衣,特大号的,很酷。get in on the action: 参加到行动中来Some of our classmates are playing basketball. She ……
(small) 小号 M (medium) 中号 L (large) 大号 ……
迷hippie 嬉皮士hipster 赶时髦的人jibe 与……一致retro 重新流行的 oversized 超大号的on the wane 衰落uber-fan 超级乐迷 ……
, so they’re perfect for bigger *bums! Oversized Coats超大号外套Remember those days when we were trying so ……
),tubas(大号),saxophones(萨克斯管) and, of course,trumpets(喇叭). Indeed, one of jazz's most influential ……
curvy figure in shapeless clothes.你没必要穿那些没形的衣服掩盖你优美的曲线。plus size大号的The successful model Nancy Baum ……
-sized coat (超大号外套)The chic, oversized coat retains its relevance during this fall season. This year ……