中国科学技术大学生命科学学院陈林教授领导的研究小组,通过对中国人如何感知汉语声调进行研究发现,中国人讲汉语比西方人讲英语需更频繁地使用右脑。这一研究结果发表在2006年12月19日出版的《美国...大脑的左右两个半球在处理外界声音信号时各有分工,通常左脑在理解语义时占优势,而右脑在理解音乐时占优势。然而,究竟是什么因素决定左右脑的分工,是一个令学术界长期困惑的难题。以陈林为代表的研究者们巧妙地利用汉语声调 ……
to British psychologist (心理学家) Charles Spence. The tones (声调) of the music depend on the taste. Humans like to match the same sounds with the same taste. So sourness (酸味) is high-pitched (声调高的); sweetness ……
the judges and audience with his high-pitched and stentorian (洪亮的) voice. High-pitched表示“声调高的”。黄子弘凡在《上线吧!华彩少年》演唱民歌《妹妹的山丹花》,开嗓第一句就抓住了评委和观众的耳朵,声音高亢而嘹亮,且气息稳定。High-pitched表示“声调高的&rdquo ……
;The nails-on-a-chalkboard sound is high-pitched (声调高的). It is similar to the sound of a baby crying...-pitched (声调高的). It is similar to the sound of a baby crying or an animal shrieking (尖叫), which ……
.---------------------------------------estuary: 河口intonation: 声调mock: 模仿,嘲弄 ……
(频率) of sound that determine pitch (声调) and harmony (和弦),” music psychologist Daniel Mullensiefen ……
life changed.By Ellie Buchdahl21st Century Teens staffBonus汉语的四个声调:flat 一声rising 二声falling ……
(高声调的) sounds. Some people can also hear their heartbeat, their breath or even the blood pumping ……
. The sounds that are covered up most of the time now stand out. We may hear some high-pitched (声调高的) sounds ……
.Tones (声调) are also hard. Chinese has four tones. It can be very hard for some English speakers...? It can be a headache for English speakers. They have to remember every Chinese character.Tones (声调 ……
to attract mates (吸引配偶). But their songs are so high-pitched (声调高的) that humans need special tools...配偶). But their songs are so high-pitched (声调高的) that humans need special tools to hear them. Gibbons (长臂猿) can sing ……
. In the wild, monkeys use high-pitched (声调高的) sounds to communicate. They might hear similar sounds...; natural means of communication. In the wild, monkeys use high-pitched (声调高的) sounds to communicate ……
at singing high-pitched (声调高的) songs. But actually, singing is a bit 5. ________ (danger) for her...-pitched (声调高的) songs. But actually, singing is a bit 5. ________ (danger) for her, as she has had health ……
;, and her team found that the migratory one made higher-pitched (高声调的) sounds with its tail feathers..., Valentina Gómez-Bahamó, and her team found that the migratory one made higher-pitched (高声调 ……
;. High-pitched (高声调的) howls can travel long distances and are often used to signal to other wolves...-pitched (高声调的) howls can travel long distances and are often used to signal to other wolves ……