感恩节是一场盛宴,各种美味应有尽有。TurkeyTurkey is a very important part of Thanksgiving dinner. Sometimes, Thanksgiving is called Turkey Day. First, people putstuffing(填料) inside the turkey. Then they roast ……
that tomato peelings (皮) and eggshells (鸡蛋壳) can be used as a filler (填料) for rubber tires. Their tests ……
) the potatoes. Joey helped prepare the stuffing (填料), and another friend, Sammie, washed fruit... helped prepare the stuffing (填料), and another friend, Sammie, washed fruit for a fruit salad ……
to make it perfectly. Often people put stuffing (填料) made from bread, apples or sage (鼠尾草,用来 ……
美国流行素食主义。今年感恩节,豆腐火鸡闪亮登场!FOR some kids in the US this Thanksgiving, dinner was a bit different. They had sweet potatoes,stuffing(填料) andtofurkey(豆腐火鸡) last Thursday.Huh? That's right - the tofu take ……
thighs 大腿padding 填料snapshot 快照 ……
(泡沫填料) protects against injuries.Gloves:Gloves are flame resistant. Soft leatherpalms(手掌 ……
stuffing (填料) inside the turkey, such as bread, apples or sage (鼠尾草,用来调味), which makes the turkey tastier ……
),这两味“珍品”体现了美国人忆及先民开拓艰难、追思第一个感恩节的怀旧情绪。感恩节又称为“火鸡节”。火鸡一般要整只烘烤,以面包作填料(stuffed with a bread dressing)以吸 ……
大物”,将其开膛破肚并塞进荤素杂碎拌黄油的填料,然后放进烤箱烤上整个下午,还要不时开箱给外皮浇点调料。然而,感恩节的晚餐虽吃得热闹,一家子人却往往吃不完一整只火鸡。于是结果就是,在随后一周的时间里,人和 ……