。Vocal 意思是坦率地表达言论,如 vocal criticism。那对性向讳莫如深呢?可以说sb's in the closet, 躲在柜子里。 ……
. But boys are frank (坦率的) and friendly. We always help each other with our studies. So, I want to say ……
the *strides the school has made academically,” a student told the Los Angeles Times.Unflattering意为“坦率 ……
and outspoken (坦率的). You think your friends are very important. ……
performances.Her candid (坦率的) words struck a chord with many viewers and made her popular...》的热播,不少网友吐槽王菊不符合传统女团中“肤白、貌美、大长腿”的标准。然而,最近相貌平平、身材壮实的王菊因为性格坦率、勇敢自信而圈粉无数,实现了口碑逆转,票数飙升,更是带来了许多网络热词,例如,因诗 ……
, while Fu is the "big brother" type. But they're both honest andstraightforward(坦率的). "We both act ……
andstraightforward(坦率的). "We don't hide out feelings," said Fu. Their friendship has grown stronger over ……
Dear Editor,I have a serious shortcoming. That is, I am very outspoken (坦率直言的). I often hurt my friends with my words. What can I do?HDQ, via e-mailDear HDQ,People say you’re halfway to solving ……
. PaperA. RockYou have your own goals and always work hard for them. You are honest and straightforward (坦率 ……
me at my lowest point, and now, at my highest point.”Unflattering表示“不刻意讨好人,坦率的”。这个词也表示“可能有损某人形象的”如 ……
. It’s not good.” Another victim of his sharp tongue!Outspoken是“坦率直言,心急口快的”,如:She was outspoken about ……
with fans.Destructive意为“毁灭性的”,此外文中的right out意为“坦率地”。赛琳娜·戈麦斯鲜少在公共场合剖白自己与比伯的感情,这次开诚布公地通过新歌发声,也是决意与问题男友一刀两断。 ……
:是的,坦率地讲,这个菜真的很难吃。Mike: You look unhappy with your food. You: I am ……
, Justin Bieber: Next Chapter. In one 30-minute clip, Bieber candidly (坦率地) talked about many tough... Bieber: Next Chapter. In one 30-minute clip, Bieber candidly (坦率地) talked about many tough ……
women are today: smart, focused (专注的), outspoken (坦率的), and challenging,” wrote Her Campus, an... (专注的), outspoken (坦率的), and challenging,” wrote Her Campus, an online magazine. At age 18 ……