据悉,北京奥组委从10所海外高校中招募的300名媒体运行奥林匹克新闻服务(ONS)志愿者将陆续抵京,接受奥运会赛前培训。奥组委目前正在计划对其进行场馆岗位分派。据了解,ONS志愿者的母语均为英语,他们中的三分之一还掌握另一门小语种。ONS志愿者将为奥运会各个竞赛场馆以及主新闻中心、国际广播中心等非竞赛类场馆提供语言服务。 ……
VOLUNTEERS working in the National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest" in Beijing on April 16, 2008. The main venue (场馆) for the Beijing Olympic Games, the National Stadium, opened to the public ……
吸管做成的“世博场馆”!YOU think trash (垃圾) is useless? But look at these handworks made by Shanghai students. They are made of waste like paper cups and cardboard (厚纸板). Look at the big model of the China ……
international liaison (联络), competition organization, media operations and venue (场馆) services... liaison (联络), competition organization, media operations and venue (场馆) services. Volunteers ……
international liaison (联络), competition organization, media operations and venue (场馆) services... (联络), competition organization, media operations and venue (场馆) services. Volunteers will mainly work ……
(颁奖) 148 groups and 148 people. These include the venue (场馆) operation team of the National Speed... (场馆) operation team of the National Speed Skating Oval and young gold medalists (奖牌得主) Su Yiming ……
候赛场:all-weather venue背景:2008北京奥运会马术项目的主场馆——香港沙田奥运马术主赛场工程日前已正式交付使用。据了解,香港沙田奥运马术场馆共耗资12亿港元,工程建筑中对场馆一沙一石的选用都十分讲究。工程技术人员在场馆设计、建设过程中还充分考虑到了香港8月期间可能出现的降雨问题。香港赛马会助理建筑策划经理胡宗明说:“经测试场地,赛场的排水速度每小时可高达100毫米,该赛 ……
摘自: 奥运语录[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
闭英语教学法采用"高压锅"的方式,英语是学生惟一能使用的语言,从而阻断了母语的干扰。学员将在自然的生活学习状态下,仅以沟通、交流、获取信息为目的,淡化了学习的功利性色彩。中英文奥运场馆指路牌"上岗"记者近日从北京交管部门获悉,中英文奥运会场馆路线标识的安装工作已正式展开,目前已安装完成241块。为给中外观众提供准确、清晰、快捷、方便的交通指引服务,北京交管部门配合奥组委的设计团队设计了这些针对奥运场馆 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
.比赛场馆:天津奥林匹克体育中心体育场Folk art:The “Clay Figurine Zhang”(泥人张) is famous around China. 泥塑造型生动可爱。Tianjin...理包子和十八街麻花都是有名的美食。Qinhuangdao 秦皇岛Football 足球Qinhuangdao is a seaside city. 比赛场馆:秦皇岛市奥林匹克体育中心体育场Seaside city:You ……
;million sports venues (场馆)209,300 km of fitness trails (健身路径)346 million people... sports venues (场馆)3.71 million sports venues (场馆)209,300 km of fitness ……
项目fencing: 击剑sabre:佩剑venue: 比赛场地,场馆verify: v 核实,查对wrestling: 摔跤 ……
Target shootingINrifle(步枪) andpistol(手枪) events shooters aim attargets(标靶) at distances up to 50 meters away.Venue(场馆): Beijing Shooting Range HallWhere it is: Shijingshan DistrictDate: Finals ……
教学与研究出版社出版的《新视野大学英语》系列教程等英语教材榜上有名。北京奥运赛场将实现双语显示据悉,今年北京奥运会30个奥运场馆里,将有32个项目启用双语显示技术。根据奥组委的安排,奥运场馆内将设置两个显示赛事成绩的大屏,分别用中英文显示运动员的成绩。由于场馆内这两块大屏通常放在对角位置,为方便坐在不同位置的观众全面了解信息,两块大屏间的中英文将实现互换。此外,场馆内用于播放比赛实况的视频,也能 ……
摘自: 新闻点击[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
! It’s the Olympic venue (场馆). The students invite2 their families and friends to the festival ……
世博会结束后,所有场馆的命运将会如何?AFTER the Shanghai Expo, where will the pavilions go? People will take away most of them. Only a few will stay: the China Pavilion, the Theme Pavilion, the Cultural Center, Expo ……