珍稀动物还需要大家来呵护On World Animal Day on October 4, we learn to protect our animals. The National Forestry Bureau (国家林业局)has said 15 to 20 per cent of animal and plant species (种类)in China are dying out ……
国家林业局决定拍卖野生动物狩猎权。你如何看待这一做法?本期版主:宋轶男(成都七中高一学生)Zhang Xuanya: I think it's wise to hunt only a small number of wild animals tofund(资助) the protection of other animals. The US has an open season every ……
to represent our country. Since 2003, the National Forestry Bureau (国家林业局) and China Wildlife Protection ……
据悉,经过有关专家几年的评选和社会网选,国家林业局日前已将丹顶鹤作为国鸟的唯一候选上报国务院。然而,这则消息引起了杭州鸟类摄影家祝辰洲的忧虑。祝辰洲认为,丹顶鹤的英文名"Japanese Crane"和拉丁文的学名"Grus japonensis"都直译为"日本鹤"。由于英文名和拉丁文学名通常不会被更改,因此,推选"日本鹤"作中国国鸟,祝辰洲认为不合适。祝辰洲同时表示,推选 ……
美国人提出赴青海狩猎场狩猎的申请。国家林业局组织专家对国际狩猎进行了评审,评审已获通过。外国人来华狩猎似乎有望开启。对此,有人认为可以促进当地的经济发展,有人认为违背了保护野生动物的原则。你认 ……
to the fourth National Survey on Giant Pandas released by the State Forestry Administration (国家林业局 ……
to the fourth National Survey on Giant Pandas released by the State Forestry Administration (国家林业局 ……