一说到咖啡,一定有不少人觉得这个话题蛮提神的。不过有句英语谚语说得好,“One man’s meat is another man’s poison.”(青菜萝卜各有所好。) 因此,咖啡并不是所有人的cup of tea(心爱之物)。随着咖啡文化的日渐深入,国人对咖啡的认识不断加深,因而对咖啡词汇也有所了解,尤其对espresso(浓缩咖啡)、cappuccino(卡布其诺)、Irish ……
咖啡一直是西方饮品的主角,在中国逐渐普及起来是在20世纪80年代。国际咖啡组织的有关人士在日前举办的中国国际咖啡酒吧产业博览会新闻发布会上作出预测,中国即将成为全球最重要的咖啡消费市场。据悉,首届中国国际咖啡酒吧产业博览会将于明年在北京举行,届时将有60多个国家和地区的国际机构和企业参会,国内也将有近600家参展商参与交流。“咖啡”一词源自希腊语“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”。后来咖啡 ……
Daniel was addicted (对. 上瘾的) to coffee. He drank two cups in the morning and three in the afternoon. ……
Twisted up Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.给爸爸一杯用铜制咖啡杯盛着的正统咖啡。 ……
摘自: 293期绕口令[BRITISH COUNCIL, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
特别的咖啡灯Is it a cup of coffee? No, it’s a lamp. But it looks like someone is pouring (倾倒) coffee. Turn on the lamp. Get some coffee, and sit by the lamp. It must be really sweet! ……
坐在马桶上喝咖啡Coffee shops smell good. But this one in Moscow may not. The owner5 had a crazy idea. He changed the seats into “toilets”. ……
昂贵的象粪咖啡。 PEOPLE make coffee with coffee beans (咖啡豆). Look at this new type of coffee bean from Thailand (泰国). People feed elephants the coffee beans. Then they pick them out of their poo (大便 ……
昂贵的象粪咖啡。 PEOPLE make coffee with coffee beans (咖啡豆). Look at this new type of coffee bean from Thailand (泰国). People feed elephants the coffee beans. Then they pick them out of their poo (大便 ……
世界最有名的咖啡竟然来自动物的排泄物!SUPPOSE a cup of coffee comes from cat droppings (猫屎), would you want to drink it? Kopi Luwak (猫屎咖啡), a well-known coffee in Indonesia, is such a kind of coffee. Kopi means coffee ……
咖啡中发现微量致癌物质GERMAN researchers have found a substance (物质) in coffee that may cause cancer. Thirty-one kinds of coffee were tested and the substance was discovered in all of them. While the quantity ……
soda water 汽水 coffee 咖啡Coke 可口可乐 yogurt 酸奶 a cup of tea 一杯茶a bottle of water 一瓶水a glass of milk 一杯牛奶The glass is full of water. 杯子里装满了水。The glass is empty. 杯子是空的。 ……
昂贵的象粪咖啡。DO you want to have a cup of special coffee from Thailand? People there feed (喂) the elephants coffee beans. Then they pick them out of their poo (粪便). This coffee tastes less bitter (苦的 ……
显示温度的咖啡杯。Many office workers like to drink coffee on the way to work. They often have a problem: they don’t know how hot their drink is. This coffee cup can fix (解决) that problem. Small lights (灯 ……
咖啡不仅是饮品,也是文化和情结PAGE 5Coffee shops have more than just coffee. They have an atmosphere in which you can relax, meet people and build bonds. ……
手脚麻利能做出香浓咖啡的机器人。Gordon is a barista (咖啡师) at Cafe X in San Francisco, US. The cool thing about Gordon is that he’s not a human being, but a robot. The robot can make you a cup of high quality (质量 ……