Walk the tightrope风力发电机上的钢丝秀。AUSTRIAN (奥地利人) Peter Auer completed the world’s first wind-turbine (风力发电机) highline (高空绳索). The line was 50 meters from the ground and was stretched (拉扯) between two ……
Walk the tightrope风力发电机上的钢丝秀。AUSTRIAN (奥地利人) Peter Auer completed the world’s first wind-turbine (风力发电机) highline (高空绳索). The line was 50 meters from the ground and was stretched (拉扯) between two ……
Electric banana powerAUSTRALIAN scientists have created anelectricity generator(发电机) fuelled by rotting bananas. Now they are working on plans for a full-scale fruit-run power station.The bananas rot ……
Project was started in 1994 and includes 26generators(发电机) alongside the 2,309-metre-long and 185-metre ……
by squeezing (挤压) the chips together with your fingers. “Our nanogenerators (纳米发电机) are likely to change ……
“…the film is based on the idea that humans are kept alive as electricity generator (发电机... by running a dynamo (发电机) from the wheels.” And finally: as Chivers points out, DNA is not replaceable ……
interesting thing is that the table is powered by nanogenerators (纳米发电机). They can turn mechanical... referees (裁判).Another interesting thing is that the table is powered by nanogenerators (纳米发电机 ……
to alternative energies. Zhang Chunmei contributed to this story英语词汇解析四级词汇generator 发电机gulf 海湾,文中指墨西哥湾pledge 保证, 誓言wind turbine 涡轮风力发电机六级词汇abundant 充足的slash (大幅度)削减托福级词汇additive 添加剂diesel 柴油emission ……
. The blades then drive agenerator(发电机), which turns the wind's energy into electricity.Hydro energy ……
) to smile, but you use 43 muscles tofrown.Cool invention炫酷发明老鼠会发电?Yes, it's true. 去年,一名16岁的英国男孩把仓鼠的转轮架和一个小发电机 ……
坦白disciplinary 训练的, 训诫的dynamo 发电机ex 前任(男、女朋友)hydroelectric 水力电气的leniency 宽大patrol 出巡, 巡逻sedan 轿车 ……
them for free and run their laptops from small generators (发电机). The movement has the support ……
(充气床垫). They eat donated food and run their laptops from small generators (发电机). However, some ……
batteries (电池) and generators (发电机) for his local community.Because of his talent, Doe became the youngest ……
people could afford it. The radio has a generator (发电机) that is powered by turning a handle (手柄 ……