卡尔扎伊当裓"⒐烧府领导人HAMID Karzai won Afghanistan's presidential election in Kabul on June 13 to become transitional (过渡的) head of state for the next 18 months.It was the first free presidential election ……
阿富汗总统险遭刺杀AFGHAN President Karzai (卡尔扎伊) escaped an assassination attempt (暗杀企图) in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar (坎大哈) last Thursday. A powerful car bomb exploded on a crowded street ……
;取代,卡尔扎伊政府颁布了阿富汗新宪法和一系列教育改革方案,其中便包括“将英语教学起始年级提前至小学四年级”的新政策。阿富汗政府还将英语纳入了行政工作人员的职业技能培训中,无论...“911事件”后塔利班政权被推翻,阿富汗过渡政府也于2004年被“阿富汗伊斯兰共和国”取代,卡尔扎伊政府颁布了阿富汗新宪法和一系列教育改革方案,其中 ……