学界尤其是英语学界学术失范现象也开始引起人们的关注。学术造假引人注目南开大学外国语学院英语系索金梅教授认为,目前英语学科领域存在学术剽窃和造假现象。她认为,学术造假较多地表现在数据造假或歪曲数据以证明个人观点,而在翻译或编译国外文章或论著时,只要译者未明确标明出处,即是窃取他人成果。索金梅专门指出,英语学界存在着思想剽窃,有些学者将国外学者的思想观点用中文表达出来,同样是一种剽窃。南京 ……
serial plagiarizer 剽窃惯犯Tokyo Olympic organizers *scrapped the *logo for the 2020 Games following... also been accused of plagiarism.Serial指“连续的”,也可说habitual (习惯性的)。“剽窃者”除了plagiarizer,还可说copier。 ……
Academic dishonesty can be many things. It includes using fake data or information, and plagiarism (剽窃) – when another person’s work is used directly without being credited (引用标注). Most Western ……
的行为,包括plagiarism (剽窃),fabrication (捏造数据)和falsification (篡改数据)等。 ……
as evidence of the failure of government policy.她引证庞大的失业数字以证明政府政策的失误。抄袭、剽窃plagiarizeTaking someone... that author was long dead that he could get away with plagiarizing from her writings.他以为那位作家已经去世很久了,抄袭她的作品就可以免去剽窃 ……
violation.In the clear意为“无罪的,清白的”,相当于innocent,反义词是guilty。法官判定朱莉的导演处女作《血与蜜之地》没有剽窃克罗地亚作者的小说,驳回原告的诉讼,抄袭风波总算告一段落。 ……
papers from 151 nations had been flagged ... 句中的an online website that …是arXiv的同位语。句意为:arXiv是一个存储论文并将其中剽窃可能性较高的论文标记出来的网站,根据它的报告,截止到去年12月,在151个国家的301759篇论文中,3.2%的论文有剽窃的嫌疑。考点看台 vChina has 6,372 papers ……
1. CHINAGuo in the wrongWELL-KNOWN university student-author Guo Jingming has finally beenconvicted(宣判) ofplagiarism(剽窃).Last week Guo and his publishing company were ordered to stop printing his one ……
.---------------------------------------prostitution 卖淫deem认为freelance 自由作家plagiarism 剽窃 ……
到如此巅峰人生,除了他的天生禀赋和从小的勤学苦练,他追求音乐上的独创性也是至关重要的。他认为,如若剽窃 (copy) 他人音乐灵感,就如同抄袭他人答案一样自毁前程。 ……
and blamed a fashion consulting company for providing the *counterfeit gown. Rip off这个短语意为“剽窃,偷窃 ……
》列举了必须严肃处理的七种高校学术不端行为:一是抄袭、剽窃、侵吞他人学术成果;二是篡改他人学术成果;三是伪造或者篡改数据、文献,捏造事实;四是伪造注释;五是未参加创作,在他人学术成果上署名;六是...京大学英语系副教授黄宗英事件后就备受关注。当年黄宗英因学术剽窃行为被院方解聘一事在外语学术界甚嚣尘上,其所著的《艾略特——不灭的诗魂》一书有74%剽窃自英国作家彼得阿克罗伊德所著《艾略特传》。据了 ……
湖南大学硕士因剽窃被撤销学位,成功的路上没有捷径。词数 396 建议阅读时间 6分钟 It’s not easy to write a thesis (论文). But if you... plagiarized (剽窃) a proposal (申请书) for research funding from a national science organization written ……
for funding or awards, or plagiarize (剽窃) or fabricate (伪造) research, will be severely punished.Zero... false information when applying for funding or awards, or plagiarize (剽窃) or fabricate (伪造) research ……
on undergraduate theses (论文) to crack down on plagiarism (剽窃), ghostwriting (代写) and other forms... on plagiarism (剽窃), ghostwriting (代写) and other forms of academic misconduct. According to the Ministry ……