Mum! I've hurt myself!Mum: Harry, why are you crying (哭)?Harry: I cut (割破) my hand, Mum.Mum: When was that?Harry: Half an hour ago.Mum: I didn't hear you crying then.Harry: No, I thought you were out ……
What you needAn envelopePaper money ScissorsWhat to doCut in the middle of the bottom (背面) of the envelope. 可以在信封中垫几层纸,以防割破信封正面。Put the banknote (钞票) into the envelope. 纸币要穿过缝隙,露出信封外一段。Cut ……
, it really, really hurts.Doctor: I know what’s wrong with you – you've broken (割破) your finger!I am ……
on the streets to handle emergencies. Hack指“挥砍”,常用于描述伤人的动作。Cut是“切开、割破”的意思,而chop常用于烹饪过程中的“切碎”。 ……
纸割破手为什么那么疼?YOU’VE probably been there before. You’re opening a book or handling some files and then suddenly, “ouch”, you get a paper cut. Just reading those words might be enough to send a shiver ……
.cut v. 剪切用法:cut the finger 割破手指; cut off 剪切下来。Cut this piece of paper into halves. Page 6able adj ……
sb’s hair/nails 表示“剪头发/指甲”。同时也有“割”的含义,cut sb’s finger 表示“割破手指”。I like to cut my hair at home.She cut ……
的。He accidentally sliced (割破) his finger.Page 3accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地用法:hear...;accidentally sliced (割破) his finger.moving adj. 令人感动的用法:a deeply moving experience 非常动人的经历;还可 ……
you to do the right thing at the right time. You could even save a life!小妹妹割破了手指或朋友吃饭噎着了,你该怎么办?简单 ……
先让学生以小组讨论的方式就自己找到的知识进行交流,这样学生就对急救知识有了大致的概念,比如:被蛇咬了怎么办?割破手怎么办?烫伤了怎么办?这样就可以轻松过渡到First Aid这个主题上。2.分段阅读品细节,整体 ……