Luo Qingchuan in the popular time-travel TV drama, Palace (《宫锁玉》). 21STDebut n. (演员,运动员等)首次亮相,初次登台 ……
摘自: Debut[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
’s first AI news presenter made its debut (初次登台) at the World Internet Conference in Zhejiang ……
Record breakerTEENAGER Andrew Murray made history at the weekend when he was selected as the youngest player ever to represent Britain in aDavis Cup tie(戴维斯杯淘汰赛).The 17-year-old will make hisdebut(初次登台 ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
Eyed Peas made their debut (初次登台) in 1995 with members apl.de.ap, Taboo, will.i.am and Fergie ……
before their debut (初次登台). During the weekdays, the three boys went to school and coped with (应付) exams ……
TFboys与你分享成名后的趣事。TWO years after their debut (初次登台), Chinese boy band TFboys released their new single Young on April 10.In a short period of time, the three teenagers have released three albums ……
had her Chinese debut (初次登台) at a Beijing music festival in October and is now working on her first ……
作为女团成员重新出道将为她们开启人生新篇章。出道可以用debut来表示,这个词源自于法语,意思是“初次登台,处女作”。或者也可以更口语化地表达为start out (as an actor...作为女团成员重新出道将为她们开启人生新篇章。出道可以用debut来表示,这个词源自于法语,意思是“初次登台,处女作”。或者也可以更口语化地表达为start out (as an ……
(初次登台) at the age of 10. For a long time, Peking Opera focused mainly on laosheng (old male roles... performers, Mei began learning opera as a child and made his debut (初次登台) at the age of 10. For a long ……
初次登台体验着无法控制的紧张与恍惚,原来这种感受也美如晴天。MY first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon.I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered ……
it and embrace it".---------------------------------------audition: 试镜career: 事业debut: 初次登台embrace: 拥抱 ……
24, he made his debut (初次登台) at the ministry's regular press conference."I will do my best ……
乐团), making his debut (初次登台) at the Carnegie Hall in New York at 18, while still a student. Though he ……
in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland after debuting in Taiwan in 2001. debut源于法语,指“初次登台”、“首次演出”或“(艺人)出道 ……
most?“Eat some delicious Chengdu snacks!” they said.Bonus*Make one’s debut意思是“初次登场或露面”。演员的“初次登台”或运动员的“首次参赛”都可用这个短语来表达。例句:The actress made her debut in the new comedy. 这位女演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。 ……