frozen to death (冻死).”The patient said, “But I had to get my hat back. I will catch a cold... hat back? You could have frozen to death (冻死).”The patient said, “But I had to get ……
"凤凰号"火星探测车就快被冻死了!词数 145 建议阅读时间 4分钟PHOENIX (凤凰号), the NASA Mars lander (美国宇航局火星探测车), has gone silent. The lander stopped talking with Earth on November 2, according to NASA.Phoenix was working ……
学生罚站被冻死,谁之过?词数 422 建议阅读时间 10分钟 A FEW days ago, a 14-year-old boy froze to death (冻死) after a teacher told him to stand out in the open at night.Zhang Jixin was a student from Wujing Junior Middle ……
如果不喜欢用杀虫剂,不如"下场雪"冻死讨厌的蟑螂。"AH!" Hear that scream from the kitchen? It's not from somebody who has seen aghost(鬼魂), but who is scared ofcockroaches(蟑螂).People have long beingupset(烦恼的) by insects like ……
driver,froze to death(冻死) early on December 1.The shocking news led to a discussion on the Internet ……
to death 冻死 ……
the match dies out, everything is gone. The next morning, the little girl freezes to death (冻死), yet ……
直直接穿过我的身体。4. I nearly froze to death watching that basketball match. 看篮球赛时我差点冻死了。Freeze to death可以... that basketball match. 看篮球赛时我差点冻死了。Freeze to death可以表示“极度寒冷”,是一种夸张的说法,对应中文里的“冷死了&rdquo ……
直直接穿过我的身体。4. I nearly froze to death watching that basketball match. 看篮球赛时我差点冻死了。Freeze to death... that basketball match. 看篮球赛时我差点冻死了。Freeze to death可以表示“极度寒冷”,是一种夸张的说法,对应中文里的“冷死 ……
. Exposure在此表示“照射、暴露于……之下”,如:He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain. (他在寒冷的高山上差点冻死。) 天然 ……
, freeze to death 冻死。●Incredibly: 难以置信地,非常地。例如:The snow fell incredibly fast.●Look sth up: (在书、计算机中)查找。例如 ……
佛置身于那位胸有凌云志、敢为天下先的少年身旁,与他一同享受那“裘马清狂”的恣意生活。每当吟诵起“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”的千古绝唱,我不禁感叹世态炎凉。身在破败不堪的草庐之中却仍怀一颗忧国忧民之心,杜甫挥墨写下“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,吾庐独破受冻死亦足”,让我可叹于这位伟大的诗人一生郁郁不得志,最终病重而亡。通过 ……
演变过程中的小细节导致了星球之间的不同。比如,在地球上你可以度假、晒太阳,而在金星这样温度极高的星球上,人在几秒钟就会被烧焦,或者像火星这样的星球,温度极低,冷到冻死人。 ……
人才能改造自己的命运。要永远充满希望,看到光明 。”我国读 者熟悉的“卖火柴的小女孩 虽” 然在除夕之夜冻死在街头,但 她一息尚存时,梦到了爱她的奶奶和天国。我们同情她的悲 惨遭遇,更被 ……