清除其轨道附近其他物体的天体。而冥王星因其轨道与海王星相交,因此不符合这一定义。然而几天后,12名天文学家联名在英国《自然》杂志网络版公开发表了《抗议冥王星降级请愿书》,严重质疑数百位天文学家通过投票表决的方式让冥王星离开“行星宝座”的做法。看来,冥王星的归属问题还要经过一段时间的考证与辩论。“行星”的英文“planet”一词来源于希腊语,意为“徘徊者”,因古代天文学家观察到某些星体时刻在天空中移动而得名。冥王星 ……
Earth Jupiter (木星) Pluto (冥王星...; Pluto (冥王星) Moon Mars ……
Earth Jupiter (木星) Pluto (冥王星...; Pluto (冥王星)Moon Mars ……
美国方言学会日前评选出美国年度流行词。“Plutoed”一词当选2006年度最流行词语。该词的当选源于冥王星(Pluto)被“降级”。国际天文学联合会大会去年投票决定把冥王星排除在行星之列。因此,Pluto被引申为动词Plutoed,意为“让某人或某物降级或贬值”。此次评选位居年度词语榜亚军的是“climate canary”(一种 ……
少女与半人神结成《海洋奇缘》PAGE 8A brave young girl and a man with superpowers are in a new Disney movie. Together they will sail the sea and find out secrets.Secret water冥王星上的神秘海洋Pluto has a “heart” and it may ……
: 冥王星 ……
POOR Pluto (冥王星). First it gets kicked out of the planet club, now it's not even the coldest known place in the solar system. Dark craters (陨石坑) near the moon's south pole have taken away that title ……
Mount Olympus. Skiing on Mars must be fun!Pluto 冥王星Pluto 冥王星Pluto is very far from the sun. It&rsquo ……
. Did you know?Did you know?Can you see a “heart” on Pluto (冥王星)? The “heart” is an icy place.Can you see a “heart” on Pluto (冥王星)? The “heart” is an icy place.  ……
.--------------------------------------dub: 命名为 Neptune: 海王星Pluto: 冥王星 replicate: 复制 ……
planet,Xena(齐娜).Xena is a planet-like body. Scientistsdiscovered(发现) it in 2003. It's nearPluto(冥王星 ……
化剂debut: 初次露面emphysema: 肺气肿lycopene: 番茄红素magnetic levitation: 磁悬浮Pluto: 冥王星 ……
冥王星虽然被降级了,但它依然在浩瀚的星空里闪烁着自己的光芒。"BECAUSE Pluto was my favourite dog in Disney cartoons, Pluto was the mostfamiliar(熟悉的) to me of the nine planets," said 15-year-old Zhang Rong from Beijing. "I know ……
, Pluto (冥王星) and five other planets. I’m 25.5kg on Earth. But on Pluto I’m only 0.5kg ……
冥王星的“心”里有片海?词数 150 测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 6分钟 Look, Pluto has a “heart”! In fact, it is a heart-like crater (心形的弹坑) on the dwarf planet (矮行星). The crater is icy. Now scientists say there may be water under ……