“脑子活”英语怎么说?Quick mind例句: He has a quick mind and speaks very fast.他脑子转得快,说话也快。 ……
A: Do you want to come to my party this weekend?B: I do, but I have to cram for my test on Monday.to cram : 往脑子里死记硬背。 ……
A: Do you want to come to my party this weekend?B: I do, but I have to cram for my test on Monday.to cram: 往脑子里死记硬背。 ……
A: Do you want to come to my party this weekend?B: I do, but I have to cram for my test on Monday.to cram : 往脑子里死记硬背。 ……
A: Do you want to come to my party this weekend?B: I do, but I have to cram for my test on Monday.---------------------------------------To cram: 往脑子里硬塞;死记硬背 ……
a no-brainer简单得不用动脑子的事If you can’t afford to buy an apartment right now, rent one–it’s a no-brainer.如果你现在买不起房的话,那就租一个好了,这还用想吗?crack down on制止The school is cracking down on cell phone use during ……
a means to an end达到目的手段或方法Is money a means to an end? Or an end itself?金钱是手段,还是我们的终极目标?a no-brainer不用动脑子就知道的事The test was a no-brainer. I shouldn’t have stayed late last night preparing for it.考试 ……
榆木脑袋,没脑子,绞尽脑汁,有头脑……中文里跟“头脑”相关的表达真不少呢。英语中也有很多类似的表达,一起来看看吧!1. beat one’s brains out把某人的脑子都打出来了?呵呵,实际...,蠢人”。Scatterbrain很好理解,如果脑子都被scatter“分散”使用了,那么就容易注意力不集中,所以它的意思是“注意力不集中的人”。Sieve是“筛子”的意思,如果 ……
榆木脑袋,没脑子,绞尽脑汁,有头脑……中文里跟“头脑”相关的表达真不少呢。英语中也有很多类似的表达,一起来看看吧!1. beat one’s brains out把某人的脑子都打出来了?呵呵,实际...语里是指的是“傻瓜,蠢人”,例如:You cannot count on Max. She’s a birdbrain. Scatterbrain很好理解,如果脑子都被scatter“分散”使用了,那么 ……
apart mentally 行为疯癫,脑子脱线,失魂落魄Example:Jason has had a screw loose ever since his girlfriend left him ……
the test.During the test:*Read the directions carefully.*Budget your time.*If you go blank (脑子 ……
双手交叉环抱身体可以减轻疼痛感WANT to feel less pain (疼痛)? Try crossing (交叉) your arms.According to scientists at University College London, the two sides of our brain (脑子) are like “maps”. When the two maps become ……
. No-brainer指“不需要动脑子的事儿,明摆着的事儿”。姚明入选NBA名人堂成为中国篮球史上第一人。火箭队主教练力挺大姚实至名归。 ……
—MayRoger says:It's simple, it means "what stuck in my mind" (我脑子里塞的), or "what I learned or remembered... (over and over). In Chinese it is "我那好奇、好动的脑子对老师所讲的东西不感兴趣。其结果是,我在学校里没怎么学习,只学到了一些通过不断重复塞进脑子的东西,而这 ……
."仔细倾听和认真做答是谈话艺术能够达到的最高境界。"—— 拉罗什富科·弗朗索瓦(法国作家)和朋友讨论问题,你的脑子是否一两分钟后就开会儿小差?好的谈话者必然是好的倾听者。他们听到了问题并回答听众,而不 ……