吴宓(1894-1978),字雨生,又作雨僧,是我在北京外国语大学的导师王佐良先生和许国璋先生的老师. 这位师祖既是上世纪学术转型期杰出的西方文学大师,又是中国比较文学的奠基人之一. 1926年,吴宓先生受任代理清华大学西洋文学系系主任,他借鉴哈佛大学比较文学系的办学理念,从中国经济、文化和教育的实际需求出发,制订了《西洋文学系课程总则》,目的是把学生培养成为既“熟读西方文学名著,谙悉西方思想之潮流”,又能“创造今世之中国文学”“汇通东西之精神思想”的“博雅之士”. 受益于这一培养理念的弟子有文化昆仑钱锺书,诗人兼翻译家查良铮、赵瑞,英语教育家吴景荣、杨周翰、李赋宁、许国璋、王佐良、周珏良、王岷源等. ……
先驱China will mark the 150th anniversary of Sun Yat-sen’s birth next year, according to a decision... *unification and enhance Chinese *cohesion.Forerunner指“先驱,先行者”,类似的词汇还有precursor和pioneer等。注意 ……
to the Internet.Pioneering指“先驱的,开创性的”,trailblazing也有类似的意思,如a trailblazing new technique,动词则可说blaze a trail。 ……
forerunner (先驱) of the Chinese democratic revolution (民主革命). Sun is a great person in Chinese history ……
’s future.The pioneers (先驱) no longer live, however their spirit lives on. In this new era, our... a prairie fire (燎原之火) and lit up the nation’s future.The pioneers (先驱) no longer live, however ……
莱特兄弟开创人类飞行新时代。HUNDREDS of years ago, most people thought that human beings would never fly. Yet two brothers tried to break the limits (界限). Orville and Wilbur Wright were the pioneers (先驱 ……
一生为女性维权。On Sept 18, 2020, the world lost one of the greatest pioneers (先驱) of women’s rights in modern... TEENS STAFF On Sept 18, 2020, the world lost one of the greatest pioneers (先驱) of women&rsquo ……
with a chance to see my face in the newspaper!A journalist from "The Daily Herald(《每日先驱 ……
事件及经济问题等多个话题发表了演讲。”——韩国先驱传媒集团 (《韩国先驱报》)由韩国先驱传媒集团主办的第48届全国中小学英语演讲比赛日前落幕。据了解,参加比赛的选手需首先将本人英语演讲的视频上传到先驱传媒集团的官方网站上。经过 ……
摘自: 域外声音[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
Party and the great forerunner (先驱) of the Chinese democratic revolution (民主革命).On the evening ……
走进理工类大学的先驱——帝国理工学院。词数 289 建议阅读时间 6分钟FORMALLY (正式地) founded in 1907, it is young compared to its partners in the UK. But Imperial College London (IC) never loses grace (优雅). It looks ordinary ……
作为中国目前为止引进的最大牌的球员,阿内卡尔意味着中国足球新的曙光。他也可能是一个先驱者,未来许多大牌球星有望涌入中国。挽救形象Much more than simply a potent front-man for one club, a player of Anelka’s quality – and, crucially, profile – may help single ……
大胆求变的科学先驱开创天文史上划时代的壮举。THE dark ages couldn’t last forever. Around the 16th century, European science got going again. At this time, people still believed that the Earth was the center of the universe ……
(先驱) of the Chinese democratic revolution (民主革命)”. This year is the 150th anniversary of Sun’s birth ……
Dynasty (朝代) and the other is a Chinese revolution pioneer (革命先驱) in the early 20th century.While Yi ……