高考词汇 occasionally adv. 偶尔Occasionally I’ll have a piece of chocolate, but it’s quite rare.majority n. 多数The majority of the employees have university degrees. ……
a real rose. every now and then 偶尔every now and then 偶尔用法:固定搭配,表示“偶尔,有时”,其在句中的位置较为灵活,可以置于句首、句中或句末。近义短语:every now and again 偶尔,有时;from time to time 偶尔,有时。用法:固定搭配,表示“偶尔,有时”,其在句中的位置较为灵活,可以置于句首、句中或句末。近义 ……
, and, occasionally (偶尔的), a few ants.Its diet may have influenced Bagheera Kiplingi's social habits ……
occasionally (偶尔). This lifestyle has changed their body, making their spleens 50 percent larger than ……
the canvas working meal to mealWaiting for a chance to pick your orange fieldUp and up, up and up偶尔抛锚,整理好也要继续前行偶尔干燥的心也会渴望一场雨别失望别伤心,一切都会过去也曾起起落落,曾为工作忘食废寝等待机遇降临好给你大展拳脚的时机别灰心别丧气,那一天总会降临想为亲朋好友点歌吗?请将 ……
for “editing” (编辑) the family photo. “Like many amateur photographers, l do occasionally (偶尔) experiment... many amateur photographers, l do occasionally (偶尔) experiment with editing. l wanted ……
每一次都努力让所有的人满意?那你现在就该跳出完美主义的陷阱,重见光明。人人都会犯错误,可能偶尔把事情弄糟,甚至完全搞砸。我们都有缺点,也有很多东西要学。就让生活做你的老师吧。 ……
关于青春痘你了解多少?做做下面的小测试,看看你的战"痘"智商。PIMPLES are an unwanted fact of life for most teens. Whether you're dealing with theoccasional(偶尔) pimple or fighting against badbreakouts(爆发), there are a lot of myths ……
. If we want achievement then we have to occasionally (偶尔地) fall down," Hanson said."Children shouldn ……
弗·安妮斯顿大胆弃用各种化妆品,素颜出镜,扮演了一个普普通通的中年女人。她说这样的表演让她感觉非常地自在(liberating)。社会总期待女性在人前永远是光鲜亮丽的,而她认为偶尔 ……
我们可以偶尔偷懒吗?我们可以偶尔偷懒吗?Humans have made many great inventions (发明) because of “laziness”, such as calculators (计算器), vacuum cleaners (真空吸尘器) and elevators. When people want ……
:句中的her eyes beginning to water是一个独立主格结构,由名词短语her eyes加上现在分词短语beginning to water构成,用作状语,常常置于句首或句末,偶尔也置于句中。例如:The monitor being ill, we’d better put the class meeting off.释义:我会偶尔想起老师的教诲,并努 ……
.An occasional (偶尔的) stop for fast food can fit into a healthy diet – if you are careful about....An occasional (偶尔的) stop for fast food can fit into a healthy diet – if you are careful about ……
. QIANTUDoes healthy eating mean you must avoid fast food? Not necessarily.An occasional (偶尔的) stop... fast food? Not necessarily.An occasional (偶尔的) stop for fast food can fit into a healthy diet &ndash ……
a lot when we do see it occasionally (偶尔).Volunteers are probably some of the most overlooked (被忽... when we do see it occasionally (偶尔).QIANTUQIANTU ……