in the morning?”Bill answers, “Easy. Thirty employees and 20 parking spaces (停车位).”One company... in the morning?”Bill answers, “Easy. Thirty employees and 20 parking spaces (停车位).&rdquo ……
lot, an elderly couple in a car caught my attention. After parking in the handicapped space (残疾人停车位 ……
?(a) Both were quite easy.(b) One was easy.(c) Neither was easy.7. You spot aparking place(停车位 ……
you take it!READING GUIDE | 阅读指导parking space 停车位inch F/ n. 寸,英寸wave / v. 挥(手)anger / n. 愤怒,怒气treat ……
我认为某个音乐家会不明智地挥霍掉他的版税。扯了这么多,我只不过想说:违规停车从来不是我的企图,也不是什么一贯作案手法。这个停车位乍看上去好得让人难以置信,它离博物馆这么近,以至...技巧赞叹了好几次,就好像我俩在来博物馆的几个月前就来此进行了勘察,计算出了所有可能的停车位。让我们快进两个月到上个礼拜。“我在这儿干嘛?”我自问到。 然后 ……
facility (设备). It aims to fi t more cars into parking spots (停车位). The facility works like a sky... at the school, designed a 3D parking facility (设备). It aims to fi t more cars into parking spots (停车位 ……
into Accessible Facilities背景:为迎接奥运会和残奥会的到来,北京许多商场和酒店设计了许多无障碍设施,进行无障碍改造,例如设置残疾人专用客房和专用卫生间、轮椅专用通道、残疾人专用停车位 ……
摘自: 奥运语录[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
馆给人们的建议是乘公用交通出行,文中没有提到步行或骑自行车,因为停车位有限,显然不建议人么开车前往,所以正确答案为D。8. C。从When Visiting the MFA Please Refrain from ……
。23. D。美术馆给人们的建议是乘公用交通出行,文中没有提到步行或骑自行车,因为停车位有限,显然不建议人们开车前往,所以正确答案为D。24. C。从When Visiting the MFA ……