pollinators (传粉者). They feed on flower nectar (花蜜) like bees do, giving plants a chance to grow... pollinators (传粉者). They feed on flower nectar (花蜜) like bees do, giving plants a chance to grow ……
pollinators (传粉者) like butterflies, birds and bats are all seen as citizens (公民). Pollinators... (传粉者) like butterflies, birds and bats are all seen as citizens (公民). Pollinators provide  ……
, spiders and bats. Male mosquitoes are also pollinators (传粉者). They feed on flower nectar (花蜜) like... of food for other animals, like frogs, ants, spiders and bats. Male mosquitoes are also pollinators (传粉 ……
in pollinators (传粉者), but does anybody really know how many are out there?There is a free app to try... in pollinators (传粉者), but does anybody really know how many are out there?There is a free app ……
(逐渐消失的) butterflies ... we hear alarms all the time about the global decrease in pollinators (传粉... (逐渐消失的) butterflies ... we hear alarms all the time about the global decrease in pollinators (传粉 ……
pollinate (传粉) the crops and help them to grow.""So that's why my garden is doing so well!" Grandma ……
国际视野的内容可为学生开辟新的视角去理解科学,帮助学生从小接触世界通用的科学话语体系,为未来进行跨文化交际和科技创新奠定基础。例如:在探究风媒传粉(4B第二单元第二课)时,学生会用小木棍、毛刷和双面胶来制作风媒花的模型,并在模型顶端蘸上面粉来模拟花粉,然后用电风扇或者嘴吹风,模拟风媒传粉的过程。后,学生会将自己制作的模型和真实花朵结构进行匹配。通过这个极具西方特色的“动手做、动脑想”活动,学生 ……
plants are important to have around since they provide beneficial pollinators (传粉者) like birds, bees... they provide beneficial pollinators (传粉者) like birds, bees and butterflies with seeds and contribute ……
since they provide beneficial pollinators (传粉者) like birds, bees and butterflies with seeds.... Native plants are important to have around since they provide beneficial pollinators (传粉者) like birds ……
a pollinator (传粉昆虫) garden for the bees and butterflies and may explore propagating (繁殖的) Monarch... to speak up for insects. I will plant a pollinator (传粉昆虫) garden for the bees and butterflies and may ……
, "Farmers 13 hire beekeepers to set up beehives (蜂窝). The bees pollinate (传粉) the crops and help them ……