earth satellite)“斯普特尼克l号”(Sputnik I)在前苏联的拜科努尔航天发射场(launching site)发射成功,标志着人类航天时代(Space Age)的真正到来。随着国际媒体对人类太空...星河灿烂、深空路遥。飞天是人类长久以来的梦想,千百年来,人类为探索宇宙空间作出了不懈的努力。进入21世纪以来,随着航天科技的飞速发展,人类已经与太空进行了多次“亲密接触”。下月,人类的又一次太空 ……
exploration of space (人类太空探索). He is American astronaut (宇航员) Neil Armstrong. Now 43 years after his great... words: “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind (这是我个人的一小步,但却是人类的一大步).” He spent ……
;A14What if we lived there? A14人类太空探索的焦点所在 —— 火星。人类太空探索的焦点所在 —— 火星 ……
safety in public places.B8人类太空探索B8人类太空探索Space exploration continues with NASA’s James Webb Space ……
摘自: B叠目录[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
展望人类太空探索远大前程。词数 353 建议阅读时间 5分钟During World Space Week – this year on Oct 4 to 10 – many countries around the world come together to celebrate humankind’s achievements in outer space. From Russia ……
可回收火箭让人类太空探索更进一步。NO civilization is complete without mythology (神话) about outer space.u Our need to challenge the boundaries of what we know has made humans try to discover new worlds.However, outer ……
policies to prevent similar disasters.人类太空探索人类太空探索NASA has recently launched several successful space ……
宇航员们在国际空间站停留了9天,让这一绕轨道运行的"(人类太空)前哨"完全恢复了运转能力,并送去了(空间站)急需的用品,还运走了积压了两年半的垃圾".Dear Emily,There's a sentence...站) with "orbiting outpost" (绕轨道运行着的人类活动的前哨) so they won't sound repetitive. The dictionary says that an ……
人类太空探索的焦点所在——火星。Humans have spent billions of dollars on planning how to set foot on Mars. Why do we want to go there so badly?Well, different organizations (机构) have different reasons. Dutch ……
人类太空探索的下一个目标——火星。Billions of dollars have already been spent on planning how to set foot on Mars. So why do we want to go there so badly?Well, different organizations have different reasons. Dutch ……
;Mankind reaches milestones in space explorationMankind reaches milestones in space exploration人类太空探索近一年有何突破?人类太空探索近一年有何突破?词数 410 建议阅读时间 6分钟词数 410 建议阅读时间 6分钟In the past year ……