中国再次当选人权委员会成员CHINA was re-elected into the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (联合国人权委员会) on April 29. It will be a commission member state until 2005. The commission has 53 member states so ……
President“人权保障没有最好,只有更好。”“人权保障没有最好,只有更好。”5月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式会见联合国人权...’s aspiration for a better life is what we are striving for)。经过长期艰苦奋斗,中国成功走出了一条顺应时代潮流、适合本国国情的人权 ……
room for improvement.”Xi Jinping, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping, Chinese President“人权保障没有最好,只有更好。” 5月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式会见联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特。习主席指出,中国共产党从诞生那一天起,就把为中国人民谋幸福、为中 ……
room for improvement.”Xi Jinping, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping, Chinese President“人权保障没有最好,只有更好。”5月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式会见联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特。习主席指出,中国共产党从诞生那一天起,就把为中国人民谋幸福、为中 ……
Jinping, Chinese President “人权保障没有最好,只有更好。”“人权保障没有最好,只有更好。”5月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式会见联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特。习主席指出,中国共产党从诞生那一天起,就把为中国人民谋幸福、为中华民族谋复兴作为自己的初心使命,100多年 ……
中国第六次担任联合国人权理事会成员 中国第六次担任联合国人权理事会成员词数 100 建议阅读时间 2分钟词数 100 建议阅读时间 2分钟China secured its sixth term as a member of the UN Human Rights Council on Oct 10, becoming one of the most ……
by 2011.人权规划human rights action planTHE country's first human rights action plan is calling for better ……
“Privacy to us is a human right.”Tim Cook, CEO of Apple“对我们来说,隐私是一项基本的人权。” (美国全国广播公司)3月17日,美国... page)。 蒂姆·库克在29日接受采访时表示,他相信隐私保护是基本人权。 ……
On Oct 13, China was elected as a member of the Human Rights Council (人权理事会) for the term 2021-2023... as a member of the Human Rights Council (人权理事会) for the term 2021-2023 in the election during the 75th ……
(人权法庭). They said that heatwaves (热浪) were getting worse because of the climate crisis (危机), which... their government to the European Court of Human Rights, Europe’s top human rights court (人权法庭). They said ……
"国家尊重和保障人权"将写入宪法,让人权精神照耀每一个公民。TWO men, thought to be thieves, were tied to street lamp posts and humiliated (羞辱) by a crowd of people last month in Zhejiang. This lasted for five hours later until ……
. election n. 选举9. pay a visit 出访10. effort n. 努力11. human rights 人权12. declare v. 宣布1 On that day...'s effort to develop human rights. (第208期,2版)他说这些改变是国家为发展人权所做的努力的一部分。10 On December 10, 1948, the UN ……
New laws for China人大第四次修宪结束THE National People's Congress (全国人大) made 14 changes to China's Constitution (宪法) on Sunday. The most important changes deal with the protection of human rights (人权 ……
模拟国际交流环境 展示英语综合技能
益受到我国各高校的关注,成为我国大学生展示英文水平的舞台也为学校英语教学改革提供了新的思路。为纪念联合国成立60周年和我国“人权入宪”一周年,近日,由联合国中国办事处、中国联合国协会主办的 “2005西安模拟联合国人权委员会大会” 在西北工业大学举行。据西北工业大学阮红梅教授介绍,本次大会共有来自全国35所高校的36个代表队参加,是历年来全国模拟联合国大会中规模最大、参加学校最多的一次。大会共分两个议题,分别为艾滋病患者人权 ……
should apologize to your sister for being so bad.rightn. 权利用法:可数名词,有复数形式。例:human rights 人权。I have ……