collection. They come in complementary (互补的) colors in a glass jar. When they’re not being used... in complementary (互补的) colors in a glass jar. When they’re not being used, they can be kept in the jar ……
;There are three glass straws in each collection. They come in complementary (互补的) colors in a glass jar... collection. They come in complementary (互补的) colors in a glass jar. When they’re not being ……
was put near their noses, there was an increase in brain activity.“From the two complementary (互补的... increase in brain activity.“From the two complementary (互补的) experiments, we can conclude (下结 ……
their noses, there was an increase in brain activity.“From the two complementary (互补的... in brain activity.“From the two complementary (互补的) experiments, we can conclude (下结论) that dogs ……
are complementary (互补的): Funeral agents take care of the living whereas Taoist priests take care... the funeral business. However, they later realize that their roles are complementary (互补的): Funeral ……
, as the two begin to understand their roles more fully, they realize their work is complementary (互补的... is complementary (互补的): Funeral agents care for the living whereas Taoist priests help guide ……
different but complementary (互补的) characters. Moreover, many tasks in their daily life need ……
政法大学等知名大学英语专家共同参与设计。该考试将考查考生在工作环境下的理解、思维、沟通、计划、执行、管理六大能力。这是一次深思熟虑的并购,直到双方都充分认可优势互补的可实现性才尘埃落定。 ——启德教育集团CEO黄娴女士2014 ……
a good look. 1. ____________________Contrasting and complementary (互补的) colorsMost people....Contrasting and complementary (互补的) colorsMost people are familiar with the color wheel. 2 ……
摘自: 每日一练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
. ___________Contrasting and complementary (互补的) colorsMost people are familiar with the color wheel. 2. ___________... and complementary (互补的) colorsMost people are familiar with the color wheel. 2. ___________ It makes pairing ……
, mutton or fish. Then you have the complementary (互补的) ingredients, which can be root vegetables..., beef, mutton or fish. Then you have the complementary (互补的) ingredients, which can be root ……
Englishes成立的时间比较久,而我加入该组织的时间并不长。我认为这两个组织是互补的。因为,讲世界英语的人都是会讲多语种的。使用英语进行交流的非英语母语者通常至少是双语者——英语和本族语。很多...师进行了面对面的培训。我们想要帮助这些教师理解什么是一项好的测试、如何设计交际型测试、如何测试学生的英语交际能力。我们的教师培训项目进行得很顺利,反馈也很好。一份反馈报告显示,教师们非常喜欢与英国专业培训师交流,这一培训与在线培训是互补的 ……
专家估计,学历教育与非学历技能培训相结合的模式将起到优势互补的作用。据了解,为了使学历教育与非学历培训做到有效对接,北京外国语大学网络教育学院相应推出北外高等英语证书教育项目。学员 ……
并没有在世界上广为流传。在当今经济全球化的背景下,中西方文化交流越来越频繁,中西文化互补的呼声越来越高,把我国民族典籍翻译成世界上使用最广泛的语言——英语,让世界了解中国文化,并使之走向世界,是我 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
利于建立外语界的和谐。从教学要求来说,我认为四个技能是互补的。我既反对八十年代初号召闭着嘴巴阅读的silent reading,也反对在成人的英语教学中把原为形、音、义三位一体的语言切分为先音后形,把成...前进了。”在另一个场合他说:“不要让我回答所有的问题,你们作为研究生应该自己解决问题,和我一起研究解决问题,在现有的理论基础上继续前进,大学之所以招研究生就是要你们来研究问题。”语言和文学应是互补的 ……