Phil Neville said to Reuters.Abrasive形容性格时表示”争强好胜的”(combative), “有攻击性的”(aggressive),且”不太好相处的”。一向争强好胜的 ……
TEENS who usually argue aggressively (争强好胜的) with their parents have brain structures (结构) of different sizes than their calmer peers (同龄人), finds a new study.On average (平均地), a kid who argues has ……
MEN can be very competitive (争强好胜的) about facial hair; they often want to have the thickest moustaches (胡子), the longest beards or the craziest goatees (山羊胡). But one contest in the town of Brighton ……
MEN can be very competitive (争强好胜的) about facial hair; they often want to have the thickest moustaches (胡子), the longest beards or the craziest goatees (山羊胡). But one contest in the town of Brighton ……
lots of saliva. 那是因为牛有一个生活习惯:它们会吐出吞下去的食物,重新咀嚼,然后再次吞下去。 Saliva helps them swallow.Geese are bossy!争强好胜的 ……
competitive (争强好胜的) and can’t stand doing worse than others.3. You either want to do something “just ……
容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心勃勃的”用法:aggressive作形容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心勃勃的”It is important to discourage aggressive ……
death.aggressive adj. 有攻击性的,好斗的用法:aggressive作形容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心勃勃的&rdquo...的用法:aggressive作形容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心勃勃的”If I criticize him, he gets  ……
的,挑衅的用法:aggressive作形容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心勃勃的”用法:aggressive作形容词还可表示“进取的,争强好胜的,雄心 ……
人都写得非常认真。学生也为自己能够用英语描绘出自己的偶像而感到骄傲。其次,教师可利用少年儿童争强好胜的心理来激发学生的写作热情。例如,笔者在班上举行了“华山论剑”的作文对抗赛,让学生通过竞赛的方式互评作文。此外,教师 ……
无法支付每年两元的“高价”学费,他经常面临辍学的“危机”。然而,争强好胜的王中伟从来就是班上数一数二的学生。优异的成绩令学校不忍放弃这个前途无量的少年。艰苦的境遇是激发斗志的动力。儿时 ……
竞赛。笔者认为,处于青春期的中学生普遍具有争强好胜的心里,因此,教师在英语课堂教学中引入竞争机制、开展竞赛是激发学生学习兴趣的有效手段。心理学研究表明,竞争能使人产生一系列良好的心理反应:求胜动机强烈,情绪 ……