英语教育经验欠缺 定位不准影响发展
再像从前那样“物以稀为贵”,他们的就业前景并不乐观。据记者了解,从事英语行业的海归的专业背景复杂多样。据记者不完全统计,他们中有不到四分之一的人曾在国外学习过英语语言学、英美文学等相关专业,这部 ……
复合型人才供不应求 知识结构单一阻碍求职之路
二月的北京依然春寒料峭,然而,众多的求职会场内却热潮涌动. 适值一年一度的求职高峰期,来自全国各地的各类人才云集首都. 在这一庞大的求职人群中,英语类人才是不能不提及的一个独特群体. 回首往昔,在其他领域人才为一职难求而历经周折时,“旱涝保收”的英语人才却供不应求. ……
核心词汇ideal n. 理想,理想的事物或人She is looking for a job, but hasn't found her ideal yet.optimistic adj. 乐观的(optimism n. 乐观主义)反义词:pessimistic adj. pessimism n.We are still optimistic that the factory can ……
and watch it!BONUS乐观的人是这样的:Look on the bright side意为“对事物抱乐观态度”。He always looks on the bright side of life就是说“他是一个乐观的人”。 ……
姚明受伤依然乐观。HOUSTON Rockets center Yao Ming is hurt again. On May 8, he limped (跛行) off the court late... Houston’s playoff (季后赛) run.But Yao was optimistic (乐观的). “It is a small fracture...At least ……
). But they are strong and optimistic (乐观的). They played volleyball, soccer and badminton. They did karate (空手...). But they are strong and optimistic (乐观的). They played volleyball, soccer and badminton. They did karate ……
: HorseD: SnakeA: You are (忠诚的) and faithful (可靠的).B: You are stylish (有格调的).C: You are optimistic (乐观的).D ……
的). C: You are optimistic (乐观的). D: You are flexible (灵活的).*Mind tests are just for fun. Don't take ……
Half full or half empty?拿杯子的部位显示性格。*This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriouslyWhat part of the glass do you usually hold when you drink water?A: You are optimistic (乐观的) but careless.B ……
形容人“乐观的” (having or showing hope for the future : expecting good things to happen)。反义词则是pessimistic“悲观的”。乐观主义者是optimist, 悲观主义者是pessimist. 刘伟那句“要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活”让他无愧“中国达人”的头衔。 ……
摘自: 明星八卦[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
singer. optimistic adj. 乐观的。少年时生活艰苦,贾斯汀•比伯乐观积极地面对,终于成为如今全球当红歌手。TitleAC Milan and Brazil star ……
的,乐观的。借着参演《跑出一片天》的机会,田亮再一次回到了自己钟爱的体育事业中。在片中饰演乐观开朗的田径教练,帮助一个酷爱跑步的小男孩实现了梦想。 ……
是“乐观的”,近似于optimistic。乐观的任家萱勇敢地在微博分享了自己的素颜照片,并表示不幸的故事也是自己人生的一部分。微笑面对伤疤的姑娘,充满正能量。 ……
).HELPanniversary n. 周年纪念optimistic adj. 乐观的diplomatic adj. 外交的legacy n. 遗赠,遗产HELPHELPHELPanniversary n. 周年纪念optimistic adj. 乐观的diplomatic adj. 外交的legacy n. 遗赠,遗产anniversary n. 周年纪念optimistic adj. 乐观的diplomatic adj ……
win the game, and no one is above this team, not one person."BONUS关于乐观的词汇look at sth with a fresh eye/ on thebright sides 乐观地看待某事、物a positive attitude 乐观的态度a rosy / optimistic picture of sth某事、物的乐观前景 ……