到,“术语工程”设立3年来,在各部委与各位专家的共同努力下,稳步推进,成果日渐丰硕,实现了学术与传播的双丰收。在新的一年里,希望借助部际联席会议各成员单位的优势资源,加强术语的研发,加大 ……
外文剧社精品剧作不断. 各大院校纷纷举办专业赛事《玩偶之家》中的女主角“娜拉”所代表的女性独立意识和激进思想曾经影响了一代中国青年. 该剧作者、挪威作家易卜生也随着《玩偶之家》产生的广泛影响成为了家喻户晓的戏剧大师. 记者近日获悉,由易卜生国际委员会主办、复旦大学承办的第十二届国际易卜生年会日前在上海拉开帷幕,这是国际易卜生年会首次在欧美以外的国家举行. ……
中国农民丰收节,欢天喜地庆丰收。Gotcha! Farmers from Hainan are running after ducks. They are celebrating the Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival (中国农民丰收节). Last year, the Chinese government (政府) decided ……
五谷粮食画,欢乐庆丰收五谷粮食画,欢乐庆丰收In some parts of China, people like to “draw” with grains (粮食). They paste... and beans. Grain art shows the harvest (丰收). Only when there is lots of food can people draw ……
丰收了Autumn is the harvest season. Look at the basket of fruits! I like apples and pears. What’s your favorite fruit? 江苏省海门市常乐中心小学 六(1)班 黄敏杰 美术指导老师 王柳柳 ……
Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. Learn these words about Thanksgiving. Then find them in the box of letters. The example can help you.autumn family thanks corn (玉米) harvest (丰收 ……
我们的红薯丰收啦!我们的红薯丰收啦!In Huzhou, Zhejiang, students harvested sweet potatoes during their labor class (劳动课). They collected sugar cane (甘蔗) and watered vegetables. They learned about hard work ……
festival to pray for a good harvest (丰收). VCGCelebrating together: On March 29, students... Festival” of the lunar calendar (农历). It’s a traditional festival to pray for a good harvest (丰收).  ……
a “dinosaur cheering squad (啦啦队)”? Who gets the most at the wheat harvest (麦子丰收)? Who gets the most at the wheat harvest (麦子丰收)? ……
蔬菜丰收了!There is a vegetable garden (菜园) in Xiangming Primary School in Harbin (哈尔滨香明小学). This autumn, students have a big vegetable harvest. Students are very happy. They are busy picking eggplants ……
No holidays for farm kids农村学生假期忙丰收。LOOK at the picture. Two middle school girls are busy carrying some straw (稻草) back to their home. They live in a village in Guiyang, Guizhou. During the holidays ……
德国南瓜大丰收啦!Autumn is coming. There is a big pumpkin harvest5 in Germany. Oliver Langheim is a pumpkin farmer. He grows a giant pumpkin in his garden. His pumpkin is 320kg. It is as heavy as four men ……
; XINHUADifferent ways to celebrate harvest 各国如何庆祝丰收Different ways to celebrate harvest 各国如何庆祝丰收Fall is a time for harvest (丰收). Countries in the world have their different ways of celebrating (庆祝 ……
英国“珍珠国王和王后”庆丰收英国“珍珠国王和王后”庆丰收Look, these people wear shiny (闪亮的) black coats and hats. Look at all... and princesses. They are celebrating the Pearly Kings and Queens Harvest Festival (珍珠国王和王后丰收 ……
你知道吗,秋分也是丰收节呢!词数 159 建议阅读时间 4分钟DID you know that it is only twice a year when day is as long... 22.In Britain, some people have celebrated goodharvests(丰收) around the autumn equinox since the old ……