CFPCFP上海立法保护濒危动物中华鲟。上海立法保护濒危动物中华鲟。Shanghai legislators passed a new law calling for cooperation to protect Chinese sturgeons. PAGE 2Shanghai legislators passed a new law calling ……
STUDENTS in Beijing can go toBeijing Aquarium(北京海洋馆) to see theChinese Sturgeon(中华鲟) from April 22. Existing since the time of thedinosaurs(恐龙), the species is very precious. It is known ……
. Come and visit it!Hard to find大家都来保护中华鲟THEChinese Sturgeon(中华鲟) is anendangered(濒危的) fish ……
XINHUAXINHUA中华鲟、长江鲟成功放流啦!中华鲟、长江鲟成功放流啦!What are the fish in this picture? They are Chinese sturgeons (中华鲟) and Yangtze sturgeons. In the picture, people are setting the fish free in the middle reaches ……
XINHUAXINHUAFish return to Yangtze RiverThe fish in this picture are Chinese sturgeons (中华鲟...; TEENSFish return to Yangtze RiverThe fish in this picture are Chinese sturgeons (中华鲟 ……
;, the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟) is a very precious species. It is believed to have lived alongside... sturgeons (子一代中华鲟亲鱼) through artificial breeding (培育) is less than 1,000, according to a report ……
BEIBEI/FOR CHINA DALY《科学》刊文:中华鲟急需救助。《科学》刊文:中华鲟急需救助。词数 375 建议阅读时间 7分钟 词数 375... or historic artifacts. They were there to learn about a fish – the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟).Called ……
biodiversityAn artificially bred fish species is introduced to the Yangtze River to improve biodiversity23万尾中华鲟放归长江,助力生物多样性保护23万尾中华鲟放归长江,助力生物多样性保护词数 365 建议阅读时间 5分钟词数 365 建议阅读时间 5分钟 ……
biodiversityAn artificially bred fish species is introduced to the Yangtze River to improve biodiversity放生中华鲟,共护长江美放生中华鲟,共护长江美词数 324 建议阅读时间 5分钟词数 324 建议阅读时间 5分钟On a sunny ……
;soldier”. Its design is based on the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟), an endangered fish that has... refers to the Chinese word for “soldier”. Its design is based on the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟 ……
on the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟), an endangered fish that has existed (存在) for more than 140 million years...;. Its design is based on the Chinese sturgeon (中华鲟), an endangered fish that has existed (存在 ……
Chinese sturgeons (中华鲟) into the waterway, where the fish naturally lay their eggs.A ship owned... Chinese sturgeons (中华鲟) into the waterway, where the fish naturally lay their eggs.The event ……
分词短语published … 作后置定语,修饰an article。释义:12月4日发表在《科学》(Science)杂志上的一篇文章指出,尽管中华鲟至今仍存活,但它需要紧急救助。  ...日发表在《科学》(Science)杂志上的一篇文章指出,尽管中华鲟至今仍存活,但它需要紧急救助。 Page 6Page 6 The senior author ……