percent of 423 games were age-rated, and half of those were inaccurate (不准确的).Moreover, 78.5 percent ……
.According to a new judicial interpretation (司法解释), if an online post is considered inaccurate (不准确的 ……
also posted inaccurate (不准确的) and even false information about Musk himself.For example, in the days...) of free speech. Many users also posted inaccurate (不准确的) and even false information about Musk ……
complain (抱怨) about their loss (失去) of free speech. Many users also posted inaccurate (不准确的) and even... inaccurate (不准确的) and even false information about Musk himself. They wanted him to rethink his ideas. ……
;Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate (不准确的) or stigmatizing... that can be inaccurate (不准确的) or stigmatizing (污蔑性的). It also gives us a standard format (格式) to use ……
;Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate (不准确的) or stigmatizing... that can be inaccurate (不准确的) or stigmatizing (污蔑性的). It also gives us a standard format (格式) to use ……
Google将向你打开全球五大图书馆的大门,给你更权威的资料!IT'S a common problem when using the Internet. Your search brings up loads of information but can you trust it? So much of what is on the Web isinaccurate(不准确的 ……
inaccurate (不准确的) pronunciation or the Singaporean's inability to tell the difference between ……
: The stereotypical (传统观念中的) view of the British sitting down for an afternoon tea is inaccurate (不准确的). Few people ……
.According to a new judicial interpretation (司法解释), if an online post is considered inaccurate (不准确的 ……
一家合作伙伴在北京市王府井外文书店广场启动了全球范围内的“寻找金山词霸用户之最”活动。据了解,《金山词霸2006》除了传统的中英翻译外,还拓展了日语翻译方向,可实现准确高效的中日互译,收录了北京出版社出版的《新日汉大词典》及《实用汉日词典》两本权威词典,词条总数达到14万条。金山词霸2006还增加了一个实用功能即自动更新系统,这一功能将拉近用户与词霸的距离。用户可将使用金山词霸过程中发现的错误或翻译不准确的 ……
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国世界连锁快餐业巨头麦当劳公司计划今春在英国发起抗议活动,要求牛津英语词典更改一个“有损公司形象”的词条。这一英文单词是“McJob”,由麦当劳公司的英文名称“McDonald”与英文单词“job”(工作)合并派生而成。牛津英语词典对该单词的定义是:“低收入和没有前途的乏味工作,尤其是由于服务行业的扩张而带来的工作。”麦当劳公司发言人沃尔特赖克说,这一解释“完全是不准确的 ……
was the one who broke the window. I had not meant to do it. It was caused by an inaccurate (不准确的) throw ……
文中称为functional food,即“有特殊功效的食品”。把“保健食品”翻译成health food是不准确的,因为health food是包括所有有益于健康的食物。 21st ……
) might be inaccurate (不准确的) – at least at my school. Influenced by the diligent (勤奋的) working culture ……