, a physically gifted but somewhat unfocused (不专心的) teenager, overcomes many problems and gradually shows... Sakuragi, a physically gifted but somewhat unfocused (不专心的) teenager, overcomes many problems ……
is distracted (不专心的)," Ravich continued. "Maybe presidents are more distracted than others."Choking can...布什总统吃饼干不专心,导致昏厥,下次你也要注意呦。MANY people like eating biscuits, and US President George W. Bush ……
rage. According to NPR, if a driver is distracted (不专心的) – for example, if he or she eats or plays ……
Sakuragi, a physically gifted (有天赋的) but somewhat unfocused (不专心的) teenager, is one of the leading..., a physically gifted (有天赋的) but somewhat unfocused (不专心的) teenager, is one of the leading roles. He ……
傲慢的crave 渴望distractible 不专心的dub 号称flip-flops 夹趾拖鞋successor 继承者vertical垂直的merit价值wander 徘徊BONUSsth...每件事情指手画脚这一点已让她备受关注。settle down定居 专心于I think it's time for me to get married and finally settle down after ……
具体化。(译文:他那漂亮的面孔喜气洋洋的,一双眼睛总也不安分,一次次地从书页上溜到搭在他肩头的一只白白的小手上,小手的主人一发现这种不专心的迹象,就用这只手朝他脸上啪地打一下,让他收心。)这样,学生...选择对应的意项,如“问题”在以下的短语中可以分别做如下的翻译:共同关心的问题—questions of common interest;问题不在这里—That is not the point;贪污 ……
仅凭考试成绩便对学生的整个学习过程做出评价,未免有失偏颇。如:一个英语和物理基础比较好,但上课不专心的学生的考试成绩很可能暂时比一个基础较差,但学习刻苦、上课积极思考、踊跃发言的学生的考试成绩好。如果 ……