-on blow: 下马威campaign: n. 活动,竞选运动go over one's head: 超出某人的理解能力HELPHELPHELPsuit n.套装head-on blow: 下马威campaign: n. 活动,竞选运动go over one's head: 超出某人的理解能力suit n.套装head-on blow: 下马威campaign: n. 活动,竞选运动go over one ……
I fall down, I try not to weigh the grass down. (当我摔下马时,我尽量不压草皮。) ……
dismount (下马) here” in Chinese. Even emperors had to get down from their horses or leave their carriages ……
spree (疯狂杀戮),go on spree (痛饮),have a spree (狂欢作乐)。 Brown survives dump move布朗险被拉下马UK Prime Minister... ministers, including Foreign Secretary David Miliband.Dump表示“随意抛弃或扔弃”,在此表示“弹劾、让某在位的人下台”。近义词有unseat (把某人拉下马 ……
of a program:We'll be back after a break.休息一下马上回来。Stay with us for the next episode.下个节目即将播出,不要... that a DJ usually says to the audience in the middle or end of a program:We'll be back after a break.休息一下马 ……
saw himself achieving a superb dismount (下马) and getting a perfect 10. "Seeing it all in my head made ……
saw himself achieving a superb dismount (下马) and getting a perfect 10. "Seeing it all in my head made ……
flawlessly. He saw himself achieving a superb dismount (下马) and getting a perfect 10. "Seeing it all ……
overtake口语一些。unseat Unseating Japan … underscores China’s growing clout. — The New York TimesUnseat原意是将某人摔下马 ……
马来到一家客栈,跳下马时不小心把泥点溅到了罗什福尔队长(Captain Rochefort)的身上。精彩回放Captain Rochefort: In the name of God, what kind ……
(下马) ...The expedition, all that planning and the trip itself, showed me a level of fear I had never..., but the path was too narrow for me to dismount (下马) ...The expedition, all that planning and the trip itself ……
必须读、写、译全面发展。毕竟,谁也不知道自己毕业后会被分配到基层哪个部门工作,必须是“万金油”才行!这个下马威令我们不寒而栗:没考上一流大学,要想学好英语就得付出成倍的努力!在那个“百废待兴”的时期,学校 ……