Samuel Chao Chung Ting (丁肇中), the Chinese-American scientist and Nobel Prize winner in physics, did not have answers to many of the questions he was asked during a recent visit to Sun Yat-Sen ……
. American Chinese scientist SamuelChao Chung Ting(丁肇中), who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1976 ……
Chung Ting (丁肇中).They are among the several scientists of Chinese origin (血统) who have won the prize ……
惯例”也要打破“对不起,我要用中文讲了。” 这是著名的美国华裔科学家丁肇中站在第四届全球华人物理学大会的演讲台上说的第一句话。两年前的那届大会上,主办方将会议语言定为英语,所有演讲均以英语进行。因为这是“国际惯例”。但是丁肇中却出乎意料地作出了反潮流之举。其实,不只是会议演讲,如今高校各学科尤其是物理这样的理工类学科采用双语教学甚至全英语教学已经不是什么大惊小怪的事了。许多高校也将“是否 ……