6月23日,英国人用全民表决的方式,宣告脱离欧盟,一直吸引全球眼球的“脱欧”公投由此尘埃落定. 这一决定无疑加深了全球民众对表示“脱欧”的Brexit一词的印象. 事实上,这个词早已被英国的词典所收录. ……
“留学指导”栏目将分主题向读者介绍出国留学过程中需要关注的点点滴滴. 怎样根据自身的情况选择留学专业是每一位想要出国留学的学生都会遇到的问题. 本期的“留学辅导”关注留学文书的准备过程. ---------------------------------在选定了留学国家和专业之后,随之而来的便是相关材料的写作与准备阶段. ……
观看美国职业篮球比赛时,我们时常能听到hardwood、helper、paint、. pine、stanza等词语. 不过,你千万不要望文生义. 这些词在篮球比赛中的意思分别是篮球场、助攻、三秒区、替补席、一节比赛. ……
一到选举年(Election. Year),美国英语中总会冒出几个与选举相关的词语. 例如,2000年的大选留下了至今仍在使用的三个颜色词,即blue. state(支持民主党的蓝州)、purple. ……
这些美丽的风景画可以吃哦。AT first glance (一瞥), you may think these are just oil paintings. But if you take a closer look, you will see that the images (图像) feature grass formed from cabbage leaves, and rounded ……
of people seeing glimpses (一瞥) of his life; he himself has several thousand Facebook friends. By Ellie ……
at a theme park. What makes such a paradox (悖论)?At first glance (一瞥), it could be down to our enjoyment ……
) and cool breeze (微风) as blessings (祝福). Having a glimpse (一瞥) of the sky, we were amazed...) as blessings (祝福). Having a glimpse (一瞥) of the sky, we were amazed by this peaceful but stunning ……
to explore.---------------------------------------compartment: 车厢glimpse: 一瞥plateau: 高原yak: 牦牛Jay Savage ……
. quick look 一瞥Words in focuswould: modal v. 表示过去常常会…would这一用法在最后两段中多次用到,注意体会。不过这两段中有一个would不是这个意思,是哪...的心理描写我真想长大,真想像大人一样。作者通过偷偷穿妈妈的鞋子把这种心理刻画得入木三分,尤其是最后那一瞥,可谓传神之笔。你曾经最想要什么?你会通过什么动作,什么表情来体现自己的渴望? ……
dream was to visit Tian’anmen one day, even if for just a glimpse (一瞥). Does the hustle... if for just a glimpse (一瞥). Does the hustle and bustle (熙熙攘攘) of life make you feel mentally ……
up on their dream of space exploration have been given a tiny glimpse (一瞥) at our vast universe... of space exploration have been given a tiny glimpse (一瞥) at our vast universe thanks to Hubble ……
Tian’anmen one day, even if for just a glimpse (一瞥). Does the hustle and bustle (熙熙... (一瞥). Does the hustle and bustle (熙熙攘攘) of life make you feel mentally and physically exhausted ……
never given up on their dream of space exploration have been given a tiny glimpse (一瞥) at our vast..., scientists who have never given up on their dream of space exploration have been given a tiny glimpse (一瞥 ……
may give you a glimpse (一瞥).The Top 50 Kantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brand Builders 2021 ranking report... globally? A report by Google and Kantar released on May 10 may give you a glimpse (一瞥).The Top 50 ……