指导shopkeeper n. 店主 a jar of candy 一罐糖果shake v. 摇晃,甩reach v. 伸手handful n. 一把释义:但男孩还是一颗都不愿意拿。用法:would ……
记者近日获悉,上海外国语大学从今年春季起按照全新的理念在本科生中实施通识教育,打破专业壁垒,开设通识课程. 据悉,根据通识教育理念,外语专业学生除学习专业课程外,还必须学习一定数量的通识教育课程,例如哲学、地理、历史等课程. 而此前,北京大学、复旦大学、浙江大学等也开始试点通识教育. 这种新兴的“专业教育+通识教育”的理念将对外语专业人才培养模式产生何种影响由此成为高等教育界新的关注话题. ……
枪虾有一把厉害的“手枪”!枪虾有一把厉害的“手枪”! Pistol shrimps (枪虾) have two claws (钳). One is small and the other is big. When they close the big claw quickly, they make an air bubble ……
小小一把西梅干,营养丰富又健康。Prunes have many nutrients. How many nutrients do 70 g of prunes or dried plums have? Let’s take a look.Minimum daily requirement21% Vitamin A: Good for your eyes.15% Fiber: Helps ……
哭起来). 爸爸一边拉琴一边哭,乞丐和儿子都哭得一把鼻涕一把泪。“It’s too sad! Please keep the money!”cries the beggar. “这曲子太悲伤了!这些 ……
哪一把钥匙能打开宝盒?哪一把钥匙能打开宝盒?James finds a treasure (宝藏) box in a cave. A dragon guards (守护) it. There are three keys: a gold one, a silver one and a black one. Which one can open the box?  ……
What a beard!我有一把神奇的胡子!Look at this man's beard! Isn't it funny? He was at the International German BeardChampionships(锦标赛) in the southern German village of Schoemberg. About 200 people from all ……
a dime a dozenMeaning:common and easy to get; of little value (就像一角钱可以买到一把东西) 因太多而不稀罕; 太平常了Example:A: Look what I found! Some crystal stones! Maybe they're precious gems. (看我找到了什么!水晶般的石头!可能是宝石呢!)B ……
“任性的,自我放纵的”。英文中epicure(享乐主义者)是放纵享乐的代名词。“自我克制“可以说inhibited, self-constrained. 酷玩乐队差点因为闪光手环“破产”,为了艺术奢侈一把也是值得的 ……
冠词“an” 用于元音音素开头的词前。如:an umbrella (一把伞) an old man (一位老人) ……
and sunlight. 臭氧是一把双刃剑(double-edged sword)。在低空,如城市的空气中,高浓度臭氧(high concentrations of ozone)损害人类健康;但在 ……
子,俗语“caught between two stools”本义是在两把凳子之间犹豫,决定不了坐哪一把,结果往往是两把凳子都给别人坐了,引申为“两头落空,两边不讨好,鸡飞蛋打”,即“fail ……
鞋子的时候可以看到肤色。)答案将于下期揭晓。上期答案:售货员在整个交易过程中共损失了40美元和一把伞。在与银行职员的交易中,他没有损失什么;而在与顾客的交易中,他给对方40美元找零及一把伞,可是得到的仅仅是一张假钞. ……
从"一把钥匙开一把锁"得出的生活智慧。词数 100 建议阅读时间 4分钟A DOOR is locked (锁上的). A big stick (棍子) comes and hits the door. But he can't open it. Later, the key comes. He gets in the lock and opens it easily.The stick ……
一把大尺子 measure height 量身高a big ruler 一把大尺子 Crocodile, it’s your turn ……