著名钢琴家郎朗将在北京为肖邦庆生。WORLD famous pianist (钢琴家) Lang Lang will give his fans a big surprise. He will hold a piano concert in Beijing on December 7. It is to celebrate Polish pianist Frederic Chopin ……
's Beethoven is a hitYOUNG Chinesepianist(钢琴家) Lang Lang has beennominated(提名) at the 50th Grammy Awards ……
表达为be accredited with。中国钢琴家郎朗在好莱坞星光大道摘星,成为首位获此殊荣的亚洲钢琴家。郎朗随后在微博发文表达了自己的兴奋之情及对祖国、朋友和粉丝的感谢。 Be honored with意为“被授予(某项荣誉)”,近义表达为be accredited with。中国钢琴家郎朗在好莱坞星光大道摘星,成为首位获此殊荣的亚洲钢琴家。郎朗随后在微博发文表达了自己的兴奋之情及对祖国、朋友 ……
大努力) be a pianist (钢琴家) like him. 江苏省苏州外国语学校五年级艺术班 黄珮瑜指导老师 王楠 ……
IN my spare time, I often play the piano. It’s my favorite activity to do after school.When I was little, I saw a pianist (钢琴家) playing on TV. It was so elegant (优雅的) and beautiful. So I started ……
我想成为一个法力高强的魔法师或天才的钢琴家。词数 190 建议阅读时间 6分钟WHAT would you be if you could? I think different people... to be is apianist(钢琴家). When I saw the movie The Secret That Can't be Told, I fell in love with the pianist ……
sight意为“一见钟情”。著名钢琴家郎朗近日发布婚讯,新娘是一位德韩混血钢琴家。早在2015年,二人便一见钟情。或许正因为彼此都在音乐的世界里熠熠生辉,才成就了这段“琴瑟和鸣”的爱情吧! ……
Paul Barton plays music for wild monkeys in Thailand. XINHUAPaul Barton plays music for wild monkeys in Thailand. XINHUA英国钢琴家对猴弹琴。词数 136 建议阅读时间 2分钟英国钢琴家对猴弹琴。词数 136 建议阅读时间 2分钟 ……
战争的阴霾下,《钢琴家》用悠扬的乐声演奏着生命的礼赞。战争的阴霾下,《钢琴家》用悠扬的乐声演奏着生命的礼赞。WHOrepresentshumancivilizationbetter than..." (《钢琴家》).The movie is set from the fall ofWarsaw(华沙), Poland, to the Nazis in September 1939 until its ……
我有个钢琴家爷爷。词数 98 建议阅读时间 2分钟IT was dark outside. An old musician, Richard, was invited to play the piano in his son’s house during dinner.Some time later, Richard was so tired that he stopped playing ……
.华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。许多钢琴家通过这项顶级钢琴赛事声名鹊起。“成名”可用英文 rise to fame 或者make a name for oneself 表示;rise to fame overnight 是“一夜成名”,rise to fame and fortune 则是“名利双收”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴 ……
.华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。许多钢琴家通过这项顶级钢琴赛事而声名鹊起。“成名”可用英文 rise to fame 或者 make a name for oneself 表示;rise to fame overnight 是“一夜成名”,rise to fame and fortune 则是“名利双收”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴 ……
oneself in意为“沉浸于、专注于某事”。类似短语有be absorbed in,be occupied with等等。钢琴家郎朗发布新专辑《哥德堡变奏曲》,挑战&ldquo...。钢琴家郎朗发布新专辑《哥德堡变奏曲》,挑战“音乐的珠穆朗玛峰”。 ……
指的是“令人瞠目结舌的,令人惊叹的”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。Jaw-dropping字面意思是“让人下巴掉下来的”,文中指的是“令人瞠目结舌的,令人惊叹的”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。 ……
on Nov 19. Jaw-dropping字面意思是“下巴掉下来”,文中指的是“令人瞠目结舌的,令人惊叹的”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。Jaw-dropping字面意思是“下巴掉下来”,文中指的是“令人瞠目结舌的,令人惊叹的”。华裔钢琴家刘晓禹摘下肖邦国际钢琴比赛桂冠。 ……