捕鼠记Meet the charactersErnie: He is the big brother. He used to be a chef1. He is rude (粗鲁的).Lars.... In the movie Mouse Hunt (《捕鼠记》), there is a smart mouse like Jerry. Ernie and Lars are brothers. They get ……
捕鼠记Meet the charactersErnie: He is the big brother. He used to be a chef. He is rude(粗鲁的).Lars: He.... In the movie Mouse Hunt (《捕鼠记》), there is a smart mouse like Jerry. Ernie and Lars are brothers. They get an ……
" (《简爱》) . My favourite is "Mouse Hunt" (《捕鼠记》). It's about a lovely, fun little mouse.Usually, I watch ……
,每人都有3500卢比(77美元)的月薪。这个名存实亡几十年的部门最后一次大规模捕鼠行动是在1994年,当时临近首都的印度西北部地区瘟疫爆发,其间56人被夺去生命,但此后10年间再无任何捕鼠记录。老鼠...几位新加坡商人一次去泰国旅游途中,在百无聊赖地等待妻子们美甲时想出来的。No rats caught for a decade in Delhi捕鼠零纪录 十年未突破NEW Delhi ……
摘自: 时文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]