: 站在我的立场想一想,设身处地地为我想一想Use these expressions to encourage the other person to see your case.Andrew: I...明白。你站在我的立场想一想,她总是在忙工作,我们之间越来越疏远。)2. It's not like that: 不是那样的It's a good sentence to clear up ……
" (《我的立场》), has been nominated for the Book of the Year Award in Britain. ……
it my way.你站到我的立场上想想。8. See, I told you so. You shouldn’t lie. You should have listened to me.你看,我早.... Don’t take it out on me.别冲我发火。5. Why are you picking on me?你干吗老挑我的刺儿?6. He always finds fault with my ……
it my way.你站到我的立场上想想。8. See, I told you so. You shouldn’t lie. You should have listened to me.你看,我早.... Don’t take it out on me.别冲我发火。5. Why are you picking on me?你干吗老挑我的刺儿?6. He always finds fault with my ……
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