能跟你一起“长大”的衣服。Babies grow quickly. They can grow between six to seven sizes (尺码) before 2 years old. So they need to change clothing often. It costs a lot of money. It is not good for the environment ……
自主招生为表现优秀的学生带来“福音”,因为高考成绩将不再是入学的唯一尺码。自主招生为表现优秀的学生带来“福音”,因为高考成绩将不再是入学的唯一尺码。IF you are a Senior 3 student and have a great record, you can consider yourself to be one lucky person.This is because you ……
you have this in my size? I take a medium.这件衣服有我的尺码吗?我穿中号。1. Do you have this in my size? I take a medium.这件衣服有我的尺码吗?我穿中号。2. Excuse me. I’d like some help, please.劳驾。我需要一些帮助。2. Excuse me. I ……
," Fang said. "Footwear (鞋类) magazines like Size (《尺码》) and Kicks (《鞋帮》) are boys' favorite readings after ……
购物时需要帮助?找不到想要的商品?想要刷卡购物?购物时需要的各种表达你都了解吗?结合新课标中“功能意念项目表”里的“Shopping”这个主题,让我们来学习以下这些地道表达:1. Do you have this in my size? I take a medium.这件衣服有我的尺码吗?我穿中号。2. Excuse me. I’d like some help, please.劳驾。我需 ……
可以借此赢得自动取款机的免费使用权或1000日元(8.50美元)的奖励。Shoe size mix-up costs thief dear笨贼偷鞋尺码错 调换不成反被捉A BUNGLING.... "It seems he may not have been the brightest of thieves."本月初,德国西部城市比勒费尔德的警方在当地一家商店抓获一名愚蠢的小偷。据透露,这名小偷因偷来的白鞋尺码 ……
摘自: 趣文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
to return. The size is a bit large.— 玛丽, 有个快递员在门口,他说要取件。— 玛丽, 有个快递员在门口,他说要取件。— 啊,对。我有一件衣服要退,尺码有点大。— 啊,对。我有一件衣服要退,尺码有点大。3. – Mike, I want to send this coat in the mail. Do you know if there is an express ……
”和“色欲”的象征。除了上述贬抑的含义外,“猪”在汉语中也具有褒美之义。在古代,猪不仅没有任何贬义,相反还是衡量勇敢的尺码。在被长期驯养的过程中,凶暴、勇猛的野猪逐渐丧失其本性。由于 ……
zero(零号)应运而生。该词本意指尺码最小的服装,用以形容极瘦小的人。因为只有她们才能穿下“零号”服装,“零号”成为瘦模特们的专利。cankle(胖脚踝)一词正好与“零号”相反,它由calf(小腿)和 ……