《女医明妃传》:中国版《大长今》。DID you know Dae Jang Geum? It used to be a popular South Korean TV drama (电视剧) about a female (女性的) doctor. Now, we have our own TV drama about a female doctor called The Imperial ……
hit "Dae Jang Geum" (《大长今》).Teen breaks recordCHINESE teenager Zhang Lin broke the Asian record ……
" (《大长今》)." ……
《大长今》来到中国,你想不想品尝韩国的佳肴美馔?MAYBE you have seen a lot of Chinese television dramas talking about things..., actually has a similar royal history to us?Now as the television hit "Dae Jang Geum" (《大长今》), also known ……
Stars to meet upHONG Kong pop singerKelly Chen(陈慧琳) has been invited by the South Korean tourist board to meet stars from the TV drama "Dae Jang Geum"(《大长今》) in April.Kelly sang the theme song ……
of all time, "Dae Jang Geum" (《大长今》) will be released by Hunan TV Station in July.The TV series stars ……
on?-------------------------下期讨论话题CCTV正在筹办一年一度的春节联欢晚会。"大长今"受邀春晚而"超女"被拒门外。如果你是春节晚会的导演,你会邀请谁参加?欢迎加入讨论!联系电话:(010 ……
"大长今"受邀CCTV春节晚会而"超女"被拒门外。如果你是春节晚会的导演,你会邀请谁参加?本期主持:郑辰雨 (安徽师范大学附中高二学生)Hu An: If I were the director of the Spring Festival Evening Party, I would choose Lee Young Ae or Dae Jang-geum. This sitcom (连续 ……
us?Now as the television hit "Dae Jang Geum" (大长今), also 34 as "Jewel in the Palace", arrives ……
PK即 player killing,意为“对决”,最初来源于电脑游戏,意指玩家遇对手展开决战。“超女”的流行也让“PK”之风在全国劲刮。如今,人们上网浏览新闻或是翻阅报纸时,常常会读到带有“PK”的标题:“超级女声之终极PK”“姚明PK伊朗小巨人”“《京华烟云》PK《大长今》”……面对如此高频率出现的“PK”,你明白是什么意思吗?“今天在英语演讲PK中,偶战胜了张MM,开心到FT……”这样 ……