xi’s words 英语 航天 包含34796个检索结果
6月17日,神舟十二号载人飞船成功发射后,英文单词taikonaut又一次进入中国人的视野。欧洲航天局祝贺中国国家航天局成功发射神舟十二号载人飞船,文中就使用了这个单词。6月17日,神舟十二号载人飞船成功发射后,英文单词taikonaut又一次进入中国人的视野。欧洲航天局祝贺中国国家航天局成功发射神舟十二号载人飞船,文中就使用了这个单词。6月18日,在北京大学举办的“把青 ……
庆祝共和国生日,展望美好明天President Xi Jinping’s inspiring words, as well as the country’s strong military, were all part of the grand National Day celebration. ……
星河灿烂、深空路遥。飞天是人类长久以来的梦想,千百年来,人类为探索宇宙空间作出了不懈的努力。进入21世纪以来,随着航天科技的飞速发展,人类已经与太空进行了多次“亲密接触”。下月,人类的又一次太空飞行即将开始。美国国家航空航天局(NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration)日前宣布,“发现”号航天飞机(Space Shuttle ……
or magazines. It can be unbearable. But Xi Jinping, China’s vice-president, is determined to deal... of the Central Committee of the CPC’s spring semester, held on Wednesday in Beijing, Xi told more ……
.”Xi JinpingChinese PresidentNo matter how the conditions change, the spirit of self-reliance and hard work should not be lost.”Xi JinpingChinese President“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦 ……
.”Xi JinpingChinese PresidentNo matter how the conditions change, the spirit of self-reliance and hard work should not be lost.”Xi JinpingChinese President“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦 ……
学英语原来这么有趣。There are many interesting things about learning English. Last week, I was talking... listened to Taylor Swift’s song Come Back... Be Here, the words “I don’t wanna miss you like this” also ……
自立自强self-reliance 自立自强self-reliance President Xi Jinping has encouraged youth in the aerospace sector (航天部门) to contribute (贡献) more to China’s realization of greater self-reliance ……
of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, saying that the attack severely endangered... of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, saying that the attack ……
记单词、背课文…… 学习英语你有"独门秘笈"吗?词数 220 建议阅读时间 6分钟ARE you busy preparing for final exams? How do you memorize (记忆) English words or texts? Some readers share their ideas with us.Hu Ziwei, 13, NanjingSome long ……
) in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. Xi told them to “aim high”. Xi’s words...;. Xi’s words encouraged Su a lot. “I decided to believe in myself, and that I must give ……
President Xi uses ancient Chinese words to offer inspiration, there is a book for you. Published... see it everywhere, whether that’s in class or in books. But did you know that President Xi Jinping ……
President Xi thinks about ancient Chinese words, there is a book for you. Xi Jinping: How to Read.... You learn it in class. You read it in books. But did you know that President Xi Jinping is also ……
should not be lost.”Xi Jinping, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping, Chinese President“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的志气不能丢。” (新华社)“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的志气不能丢。” (新华社)4月24日是第五个“中国航天 ……
not be lost.”Xi Jinping, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping, Chinese President“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的志气不能丢。” (新华社)“不管条件如何变化,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的志气不能丢。” (新华社)4月24日是第五个“中国航天日” (The fifth ……
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